Hi everybody,
Does anyone see in today's world events the approaching of Jesus coming? If anyone has any comments it will be good to share it with the other people.
Also among the signs which Jesus said he mentioned the wars and earthquakes. These always happen from the first century, how can we distinguish between the normal wars and earthquakes and the ones Jesus mentioned as a sign of his second coming? Any suggestions?
Also please be careful, just mention the facts without trying to investigate the date of His arrival, since Jesus told us to look to these signs without trying to specify any future dates.
Thank you in advance.
Pray for me.
Pray for me,
also the appearence of the antichrist, the false prophet, and the conversion of the jews...
pretty hectic stuff, but i havent seen signs of them...
may God enlighten you
If any one could explain the rest to me... please do.
Beside all the popular signs that we continually hear about like wars, earthquakes, famine and so forth; there are 5 other specific signs.
While the first four signs are happening, a sinner still has a chance to repent and come back to God, but once the fifth one starts, God will accept no one.
The FIRST sign is leaving Christianity or leaving Christ and this can be found in THESSALONIANS 1ST, second chapter. You can read it but I will quickly explain it. It refers to all Christians who either leave Christianity for another religion or are christians by name with no work. And like abouna said, this has been happening for years.
The SECOND sign is when ALL Jews convert to christianity and this can be found in ROMANS 11:24-25. Abouna explained that this will happen when the jews will sacrifice the red cow and it will not be accepted. Yet there are alot of Jews who started believing in Christ since 1980 in the United states and they have a group called JEWS FOR JESUS.
The THIRD sign starts right after the Jews convert and its the beginning of the Anti-Christ. This can be found in THESSALONIANS 2ND chapter 2. He will be misleading people for 3 years and 6 months. This exact time frame is written in few places in the bible, one of which is revelations 11:2, "And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months."
The FOURTH sign comes during the last days of the Anti-Christ and it talks about the coming of Moses and Elijah. Most people believe that it will be Enoch but it actually explains in REVELATIONS 11:3-12 what will be happening in this sign.
Revelations 11:6, "these have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike earth with all plagues, as often as they desire." This verse clearly explains that it will be Moses and Elijah. These verses explain that Moses and Elijah will come and fight the Anti-Christ and he will beat them and actually kill them and they will be left of the streets for three and a half days and no one will dare to touch them for fear of the anti-christ. After the 3 1/2 days God will grant them life again and ask them to join him in heaven.
During the last 4 signs like explained before, a sinner has a chance to repent and come back to Christianity. Once the last sign starts, there is no room for repentance.
The FIFTH and LAST sign is the actual coming of Christ. and this can be found in MATTHEW 24:30, "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven and then all tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on clouds of heaven with power and great glory." The sign of the Son of Man, which is the cross will appear in heaven and all will see it and thats when we know its the end of all suffering and the beginning of judgement and a great life with our Lord Jesus. And also in Matthew 25:1, " Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins ......" and he specifically mentioned this parable to let us know that once he has come there is no chance for repentance. We had all the time in the world to come back to him but we were to busy.
May we all be ready for the blessed coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hope this brought a different light to all of you on the topic of the second coming, if anyone has any questions please dont hesitate to ask me.
God Bless you
Could you please post your article instead of sending it individually so that all of us could read it and learn.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Pray for me.
The 2 prophets have to be Elija and Enoch because they are the only prophets that didn't die. That verse you are talking about doesn't say who are they and it doesn't really show whether it's Elija or Enoch or Moses. We beleive they are Elija and Enoch because again they are the only prophets that didn't die.
In regard to that everyone will die, that's also wrong and not right. St. Paul said:" A secret I give to you, not all of us die but all of us will change." Meaning that the people that are still alive at the time of the second coming, and while the angels are gathering God's chosen people, will change their form. They change their bodies from earthly bodies to glorified body.
Any question, let me know........
John 19:37 will be accomplished.
But, of course, all Jews mean only true Jews because many of them would still refuse to belive in Jesus.
I even heard that before the end, not only Jews but all mankind will belive in Jesus. (But I am not sure about it, may be someone could correct me if I am wrong).
Thank you.
Pray for me.
Im not so sure that Jews hate Jesus. They put Him in the same category as most other religions, a Holy Prophet. The second coming does not involve just the repentance of the Jews, but also of anyone who does not believe in Christ and follow Him, including Christians!
Jews hate Jesus and do not consider Him as a Holy Prophet. On the contrary, they consider Him a false prophet and do not believe in Him at all. That's why they are waiting the Messiah until now.
Pray for me.
I agree with you on all points except one: I do not think that Jews hate Christ. I personally think that Jews dislike Christians. Not a hate of Christians, just a dislike. This is just my opinion. I'd appreciate other views from other people on this topic.
But if Jews don't hate Jesus so why did they crucify Him on the Cross?
Thank you and pray for me.
..i don't know if we're meant to analyze when it's coming..i think we're just to be ready whenever it is.. regardless of if it's now... or not in our lifetime.
"Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming--in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning-- lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping. And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!" Mark 13:35-37
This is a very touchy topic because different people have different takes on this question. My personal belief is that Jews crucified our Savior because they felt betrayed - He came into Jerusalem and the Jews saw him as the next earthly king who would take rule from the Romans. But He was the Heavenly King of Eternity. Because they believed in Him for the wrong reasons from the start, once He started telling them "My kingdom is not of this world" they began to feel betrayed and this led to His crucifixion. I also believe that all these things happened to fulfill the scriptures and prophecies. Jews were meant to feel betrayed, meant to lead Him to be crucified, and were meant to not be able to walk in the True Light. My prayers are with you KF. :) What are your views on this topic?
Hey Matt, please send me the article. Regarding the whole end of the world thing. The signs have evident for the last 3 centuries. It is something that we can not say is going to happen, or is not going to happen. Remeber, that God has no time. We should be prepared at all times, or we'll be like the unwise virgins!!! Take care ya'all.
I can post it. I just first have to get it off my servant, and then post it. Can you guys wait a lil?
And sorry for the delay, but my computer isn't acting normal.
Pray for me,
Yes we can wait no problem. But just do not forget to post it when you get it.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Pray for me.
I wish I was wrong and you were right. Believe me I was going to be very happy if this happens. But unfortunately I don't think so. But anyway, we have to pray for all people to know Jesus and to accept Him as their Saviour and Lord before it becomes too late for them.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Pray for me.
In Humility,
This may be on a personnal level not for all Jews. Because if a Jew belives in Jesus, he won't be Jew anymore but will become Christian.
However, I found lately a site where some of them believe that Jesus is the Messiah. The site is :
But I do not know if they continue to remain Jews or they become Christians after believing in Jesus.
Thank you and pray for me.
also, "God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind." (Rev. 9:14-15)
is this really going to happen like literally, and if it is does anybody think that that has started?
pray for me
Thanks again for your patience, and pelase forgive me,
There is coming a much worse dictator than Hitler, and he will rule the European Union which is what Hitler tried to do during his conquest-create a European UnionEU...there is NO difference between this EU and the one we see almost complete today. this final person is the anti-christ. Hitler branded numbers on the forearms of Jews at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp' for ID purposes If a microchip implant had of been available, he would have more than likely used that instead as a means to identify who the people via the massive data base the chip would contain about you
*** see (Ezekiel 38:17-23) (Ezekiel 39:1-9) (Joel 3:9-16) Israel is ground zero for Armagedon (Revelation 16:16) but as we see in the verses such as Zecheriah 14:2-5 it says Then shall the LORD go forth and fight against those nations , as when he fought in the day of battle. The LORD will destroy all who try to destroy his people (Ezekiel 25:17)