hey all
i was babysitting the other day, and one of the kids asked me what i was gonna be for halloween (u know how kids are, getting ready 2 months in advance) so i said i was going to be myself... and of course, being the 8 year old they were didn't understand that big old me, the person they looked up to, wasnt gonna dress up for halloween... so i was wondering
why dont we celebrate halloween.... and how did halloween become, halloween?
hope that made the smallest bit of sense ;)
By the way, sorry if this isn't very helpful or if it's inaccurate, I really don't remember the lesson......
so 1 view about halloween is that some devil worshippers group decided to have their own celebration on the eve of all saints day october 31, so that people would worship satan instead of God..so as a tradition people would dress up as ghosts, witches, devils..etc all symbols of the devils kingdom. and to bother christians they named it "halloween" thinking that their celebration of devil worshipping is also holy
another view is that it is originally an ancient celtic devil worshipping feast that started like 2000 bc..so in the 8th century the catholic pope wanted to get the people to stop practicing this feast so he established all saints day on nov 1st..however the samhain worshippers still wouldnt stop so to take revenge...they decided to change the name of their Samhain feast to "Halloween" taking the name from "all hallows eve" and continue with their tradition
well Halloween was originally all saints eve, because november 1st was all saints day for the catholics... so all saints eve was also called "all Hallow's eve" ( hallow comes from the word "holy"..hallow=holy ones)
so 1 view about halloween is that some devil worshippers group decided to have their own celebration on the eve of all saints day october 31, so that people would worship satan instead of God..so as a tradition people would dress up as ghosts, witches, devils..etc all symbols of the devils kingdom. and to bother christians they named it "halloween" thinking that their celebration of devil worshipping is also holy
thats wut i was taught...and wen we were younger at church..they used to have a small halloween thing at church instead of goin out in the streets treat or treatin...we could dress up as saints or wutever as long as it wasnt like a vampire or monster or wutever..
thanx ;D
one more question: does anybody know where i can find Anba Sourials OLD lecture on halloween.... i heard it was an amazing lecture, and i'd like to listen to it now lol
feel free to post more things up.... ;)
i didnt no anything about that all i knw is that its on october 31 and that all the ppl dress up and go trick treat thingy ...
wow thats cool i shold tell the whole world(everyone at sundai skool and skool) so that they know wat they r celebratin
coz i dont think ani1 knows
no halloween !!
but arent most the ppl there christians ...arent they supposed to no its wrong aniwais??
HELLOWEEN carnivals..thats just for the fallen angels to go to ;)
hi 5 PrincessMary it really is HELLoween
far out y wold ani1 wanna go to parties like that
wow im grateful theres none of that here in oz