originally wanted to put this with the "JPII kissing the Quran" thread, but i figured it needed it's own.
I noticed from the aforementioned thread that most of you guys were against his actions to the point that alot of you condemned him to hell.
I find this specific case [the burning of the Quran] absolutely despicable and disgusting. I don't get why alot of Christians feel it's their job to go out and insult others' beliefs, just because they know that Christianity is truth.
Opinions are appreciated.
Even if our faith has been / still is being insulted by other religions, we are commanded not to repay evil by evil.
This is not christianity, period.
This is not at all a Christian behavior, it is aimed to be a politically desperate anti peace action - it will definitely result in extreme hate and dangerously flame numerous enemies who were moderate because by this action they will be convinced that Christianity is a religion of hate not of Love.
It will also give the terrorists a very good new reason to repeat 9/11, nothing will ever deter them if these evil people are allowed to do this, needless to stress that they will lose too many souls instead of winning them. The devil is behind the mad pastor evil plans.
gregorytheSinner I wish you please change the topic title to be more specific because it generalizes the word Church.
It's sorta how most people jump to the conclusion that any muslim with a beard is a terrorist.
so what if it is the religion of the devil. we should be preaching the truth instead of destroying and offending other religions to cause more hate and tensions.
and advise them not to take this foolish step.
this is what i wrote, u could use it to help write yr email if u like:
"dear sir/madam,
i have seen your website and agree with you that Jesus Christ is the way of truth. i am a Christian and believe in the Bible. however, i want to say that burning the quran is a really bad idea. not only is it really disrepectful and upsetting to muslims, but it could result in some muslims taking out their frustration on Christians worldwide. please cancel this event. why not host a big debate/discussion on why the Bible is the right book which can lead many people to God? then people would hear a positive message telling them why you love our Holy Book so much and how it can change their lives.
please, please take notice and do not act foolishly.
may God guide your lives and fill your hearts with His love and mercy
thanks for bringing this to our attention.
[Moderated: I really would rather we were careful how we speak because it might well affect our Christian brothers and sisters in more difficult circumstances, and I do think that as Christians we must not return evil for evil or hate for hate]
Dont write letters to protestants, its a waste of time.
Please be praying for this church, and for the Muslims or any others to not see this as an act of Christ's people. God willing, God's name may be glorifying no matter what path people are planning on following.
In the peace and love of our Lord.
I agree - this is disgusting. It is good that we are expressing that disgust though - whenever Muslims make similar insults of our faith, it is always comforting to see other Muslims speaking out and condemning their actions. It is very good that we do the same.
Let me tell you something, both types of muslims have the same goal, just different ideas on how to get there. I think the only thing I agree with the muslims on are the jews.
I originally wanted to put this with the "JPII kissing the Quran" thread, but i figured it needed it's own.
I noticed from the aforementioned thread that most of you guys were against his actions to the point that alot of you condemned him to hell.
I find this specific case [the burning of the Quran] absolutely despicable and disgusting. I don't get why alot of Christians feel it's their job to go out and insult others' beliefs, just because they know that Christianity is truth.
Opinions are appreciated.
Everyone in my Church, including myself, is extremely disgusted at this act.
I'm going to be extremely blunt here: Is such wisdom really from the Holy Spirit?? Surely not!!
If this is their wisdom, which has nothing to do with God's Grace, then what about the rest of their spirituality? If they think they are doing God a favour and this is "God's will" - what about other stuff - like their charismatic spirituality, their teachings, their theology? I really now put into question the inspiriation of the Holy Spirit on ANY of their works.
I really pray that Muslims can see beyond their devisive ways and not think that we, as Copts, have anything to do with them.
I echo the sentiments of Hos Erof and other users also: this is absolutely disgusting, unchristian, unethical even and just plain stupid - for lack of a better word!
As much as I know there is only one True religion and that is Orthodox. The rest are just different versions of lies fabricated by the devil.
We cannot defend the protestants because we are too way different. They are the devil's representative playing a Christian role. What I am saying is not only their deeds but also their religion is totally wrong. I am not surprised. If this was done by Orthodox then would I really be sad.
That is what I am talking about! they chop off the real Bible and make their own. The protestants are not Christians. It is the path the devil used to erode the real path of Christianity. The catholics being their first root. All the branches that what we see now in the world calling themselves Christians. Calling the name of Jesus won't make u a Christian.
My last point is they cannot ever in any way represent us, the Orthodox, the true unchanged religion handed from Jesus, our God.
I am curious if the same group would be endorsing burnings of the Bible that are non-King James Version?
lol.. I love it! Excellent point iLoveSaintMark!!
But seriously, their ignorance and foolish driven agenda is very powerful. They scare me more than Osama Bin Laden.
Just as a joke Ioannes, you did submit. You said you were married.
hahaha yea, I guess your right, maybe that is why my wife was so upset about the sticker.