Hey guys,
I was told about an App for iPhone and itouch called iCoptic
I was wondering if any of you had any idea about it(when it's coming out or anything at all)
you can visit their website... Just google icoptic and you will get to their website:.. From what I understand from that site, they have already released a first version, alhough I couldn't find anything on my App Store...
Any help greatley appreciated
thank you
Coptic Pharaoh
Its not a bad app actually - you can save and synchronize your study notes, and share them as well. I think you can also add an online course - someone should seriously think of uploading a "Teach Yourself Coptic Course" on there - lol...
By the way, what apps do you guys have? or use the most?
Thanks Mina,
That looks really good. Its professional looking also.
Is it a free app?
WHat apps do you use anyway?
if u want a good religious App, there is the Bible, YouVersion... you can download offline translations in multiple languages, including NKJV (i beleive its the only free Bible App that has NKJV offline) it has French, Arabic, Spanish and a whole bunch of other languages (also asian languages)...
God bless the person who is creating these apps... I think they are great ways to evangelise.
I don't know the people who are developing these apps. Who are they?
I thought myPocketProf was pretty good actually. Has anyone else tried this? I've got all my personal notes stored on my phone.. I'm always forgetting something.
Is anyone here interested in creating a Coptic Language online course on it??
if u want a good religious App, there is the Bible, YouVersion... you can download offline translations in multiple languages, including NKJV (i beleive its the only free Bible App that has NKJV offline) it has French, Arabic, Spanish and a whole bunch of other languages (also asian languages)...
copticpharaoh, thank you so much for sharing this!!! I love it, I'm listening to my favourite book (Philippians :)) on it right now.
Another good one is Blue Letter Bible (http://www.blueletterbible.org/) or just click this link: http://www.blueletterbible.org/biblePlayer/mp3bibleplayer.cfm?translation=nkjv&book=1&chapter=1 ; and you can change the version, the book in the Bible, and the chapter.
Oh by the way, does anyone know how to get the Bible onto a cell phone (not iphone)...I have a fido nokia...? I'd appreciate your help, as I am technologically-challenged lol :P
This thread came to my attention through one of our youth, because he knows we are developing this app. iCoptic is an application developed as a part of a larger project called the coptic library. The aim of this project is to develop an online coptic digital library of thousands of coptic resources (searchable full volume books, audio, video) as well as applications for mobile devices to access these tromendous resources. iCoptic specifically was developed as a tool that contains a coptic calendar, daily readings including synexarium, Agpeya, ...etc for the iphone. It will be released very soon to the public through the app store. Depending on the success and feedback we get, we are also contemplating developing for other mobile platforms including blackberry, android, and windows mobile.
This is a big step for us, and the bigger project needs all of your prayers.
Isaac Tawfik
if anyone knows pleeeeeeeeeeeeez do share
i can't wait till it comes out
I recomend this program to all it is amazing. There is also a pocket pc version as well and it works fine.
thanks guys PPFM
Go to the iTunes store in your itunes and type "Agpeya: Book of Hours" and you should find it. It includes all 8 hours of the agpeya (including the veil hour) with some audio psalms and Coptic text. However, it does cost $4.99 to buy but all proceeds go to the Coptic orthodox church in Bolivia.
God Bless!
In Christ,
Here is a link to a preliminary page that contains a demo video.
Looking forward to hear your feedback. Happy feast of Nativity to all.
Isaac Tawfik
thank you and God bless all your efforts
PLZ,PLZ,PLZ,PLZ,PLZ,PLZ,PLZ make a windows mobile based app like the iCoptic. It looks amazing i would really like to have it on my phone. My friend has an iphone and i had a browse of the program and i loved it
thank you and God bless all your efforts
Say please... ::)
PLZ,PLZ,PLZ,PLZ,PLZ,PLZ,PLZ make a windows mobile based app like the iCoptic. It looks amazing i would really like to have it on my phone. My friend has an iphone and i had a browse of the program and i loved it
thank you and God bless all your efforts
android as well :D
Agpeya[li]OliveTree BibleReader[/li]
[li]Bible+1 - many versions, has highlighting and bookmarks, very convenient[/li]
[li]The Agpeya - you can both read and listen to it[/li]
Other[li]Bible Trivia[/li]
[li]Big Bible[/li]
**note: these are just a few, there are so many more in the App Store.[li]iCopticCalendar[/li]
[li]I Love Jesus - religious pictures and videos[/li]
[li]Scripture - inspirational verses[/li]
[li]Bible Verses - verses organized by category, good for memorization[/li]