Hey guys I need a recording of the Great Melismatic Year-Round psalm, also known as Al-Molakhass
I have cantor tewfik and Fahim
But the recordings aren't all that great.... does any one have a different one?? preferably something recent.
I'll even take CIA.... anything comprehensible!!!
My email is kmeka001@msn.com
Hey guys I need a recording of the Great Melismatic Year-Round psalm, also known as Al-Molakhass
I have cantor tewfik and Fahim
But the recordings aren't all that great.... does any one have a different one?? preferably something recent.
I'll even take CIA.... anything comprehensible!!!
Are you referring to "Cantor Ibrahim Ayad"?
Wow, you'll even take that. How awfully generous and kind of you!
Seriously, what's with everyone disrespecting him lately? Firstly, he is a great muallim and second, whether or not you respect his style, you ought to respect him anyway.
I'm not targetting you in particular abanoub, so many young deacons now a days criticize and mock him and some are outright disrespectful. It needs to stop.
Wagdi Bishara records it here to: http://tasbeha.org/mp3/Hymns/Major_Feasts_of_the_Lord/Palm_Sunday/Wagdi_Bishara/Divine_Liturgy.html
GB- greco-bohairic
OMG - Oh My God
OO - Oh Oh
What's the problem with an abbreviation?
CIA is an abbreviation. I do not see anything disrespectful in it.
GB- greco-bohairic
OMG - Oh My God
OO - Oh Oh
What's the problem with an abbreviation?
I wasn't referring to the abbreviation nor was I directing what I said at anyone on this forum really. If you reread my post, It was the "Even Ibrahim Ayad will do".... the "even" part, that made me say what I did because I've noticed that many of the young deacons (almost never the older ones, not that I've seen anyway) are losing respect for this Cantor, which I do not think is right, even if you don't like something about him or do not want to learn from him.
Again, I didn't mean to offend and I was not directing this at you abanoub :)
Seraphim Chorus did in the Coptic Liturgy with Fr. David Bebawy which was distributed all over the US.
HCOC has it on their Liturgy of the Word.
with all do respect, i hated that recording......ya3ny coming out of a chorus who recorded the full Epraxe-onton...... and yeah....i forgot we recorded that. i was actually there. all of the hymns we recorded on that cd were amazing: The psalm, the aspasmoses....evshes to as i remember.
[quote author=Remnkemi link=topic=10105.msg127582#msg127582 date=1295540698]
HCOC has it on their Liturgy of the Word.
with all do respect, i hated that recording......ya3ny coming out of a chorus who recorded the full Epraxe-onton...... and yeah....i forgot we recorded that. i was actually there. all of the hymns we recorded on that cd were amazing: The psalm, the aspasmoses....evshes to as i remember.
link to the cd?
i know it doesn't sound that good but I guess it is O.K