[quote author=henrik.hank link=topic=12902.msg151704#msg151704 date=1328988314] Nofri! In the Coptic Litrugy the Canon of the Mass (don't know what you call it) is sung. Why is is sung instead of said in a silent voice?
Can you show us a video of 'the Canon' you are talking about? or what does it refer to in other churches?
I think you are referring the entire Anaphora. Everything in our liturgy (almost everything) is chanted. It is the ultimate way of prayer to God. Also, i think the structure of our liturgy as copts requires much participation from the people and deacons.
[quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12902.msg151721#msg151721 date=1329001288] I think you are referring the entire Anaphora. Everything in our liturgy (almost everything) is chanted. It is the ultimate way of prayer to God. Also, i think the structure of our liturgy as copts requires much participation from the people and deacons.
Why must it be sung in a loud voice if only the Priests are those who offer the Bread and Wine?
[quote author=henrik.hank link=topic=12902.msg151756#msg151756 date=1329051063] [quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12902.msg151721#msg151721 date=1329001288] I think you are referring the entire Anaphora. Everything in our liturgy (almost everything) is chanted. It is the ultimate way of prayer to God. Also, i think the structure of our liturgy as copts requires much participation from the people and deacons.
Why must it be sung in a loud voice if only the Priests are those who offer the Bread and Wine?
Well they are offering the bread and wine on behalf of the other people. Giving the people role into this offerings gives a sense of responsibility.
in the ancient churches all the anaphora was always sung (chanted) loudly. then later (i think 800s or 1100s, i forget which), in the eastern orthodox and catholic churches, they changed it so the anaphora was quiet and the people chanted psalms while the priests prepare the Holy Body and Blood. this was a new thing, due to the fact people revered the Body and Blood so much, that they hid it away. at this time, people started to take Holy Communion less in some churches. these two things are linked.
but Jesus intended for all Christians to share in His Body and Blood, so it is not right to hide it away so much. we respect it, but we all share in giving thanks and joining in repentance for our sins and asking for forgiveness so that we may be worthy to take part in the Holy Communion.
Those videos are Roman Catholic, We are Coptic Orthodox. Every church has its own traditions and own way of doing things, which is Rightfully so. For instance teh Armenian Apostolic Church has some traditions I wouldn't know what is going on.
In the Coptic Litrugy the Canon of the Mass (don't know what you call it) is sung. Why is is sung instead of said in a silent voice?
Can you show us a video of 'the Canon' you are talking about? or what does it refer to in other churches?
I'm not sure which part of the Divine Liturgy are your referring to.
http://gloria.tv/?media=254115 (begins at 117:00)
I think you are referring the entire Anaphora. Everything in our liturgy (almost everything) is chanted. It is the ultimate way of prayer to God. Also, i think the structure of our liturgy as copts requires much participation from the people and deacons.
Why must it be sung in a loud voice if only the Priests are those who offer the Bread and Wine?
[quote author=minatasgeel link=topic=12902.msg151721#msg151721 date=1329001288]
I think you are referring the entire Anaphora. Everything in our liturgy (almost everything) is chanted. It is the ultimate way of prayer to God. Also, i think the structure of our liturgy as copts requires much participation from the people and deacons.
Why must it be sung in a loud voice if only the Priests are those who offer the Bread and Wine?
Well they are offering the bread and wine on behalf of the other people. Giving the people role into this offerings gives a sense of responsibility.
then later (i think 800s or 1100s, i forget which), in the eastern orthodox and catholic churches, they changed it so the anaphora was quiet and the people chanted psalms while the priests prepare the Holy Body and Blood. this was a new thing, due to the fact people revered the Body and Blood so much, that they hid it away.
at this time, people started to take Holy Communion less in some churches. these two things are linked.
but Jesus intended for all Christians to share in His Body and Blood, so it is not right to hide it away so much. we respect it, but we all share in giving thanks and joining in repentance for our sins and asking for forgiveness so that we may be worthy to take part in the Holy Communion.