[On behalf of Father Peter Farrington]
Dear Friends,
The British Orthodox diocese of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate requests your prayers for our new mission in the town of Windsor, to the West of London. We will be holding a service of Orthodox evening prayers on Monday, 8th October at 6:30 pm at St Andrews, Clewer, Mill Lane, Windsor, SL4 5JH.
Thanks to the generosity of the Revd. Louise Brown we have been able to make use of the beautiful and ancient Church of St Andrew, Clewer, said to have been used by William the Conqueror himself.
We will be organising an evening service of Orthodox evening prayers once a month, and will be returning to St Andrews on the 12th November.
The service will consist of the prayers from the Coptic Orthodox Daily Office, or Agpeya, with a short talk on a spiritual topic, followed by refreshments.
Members of Orthodox Churches, and of all other Christian traditions and none are warmly invited to join with us on this occasion.
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us
Father Peter Farrington
St Andrews Orthodox Mission, Windsor
Dear friends,
There will be a celebration of our monthly English language liturgy as part of our Orthodox London mission at St George in the East Church, Shadwell, London starting at 9:30 am. After the liturgy there is a time of conversation and refreshments.
God bless you
will u be there?
I am preparing for the first meeting of the Orthodox mission of St Andrew in Windsor tomorrow which has been blessed to begin this month by His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim. We meet at St Andrew's Church, Mill Lane, Clewer, Windsor at 6:30pm for Evening prayer.
All are welcome. Do pray earnestly for this ministry. If you cannot attend yourself then please pray that God will bring glory to his name through the prayers and worship of those who do, and that he will stir the hearts of those he would wish to attend and share in this service.
The aim is to be engaged in missionary work and to draw those who are not yet Orthodox into the communion of the Orthodox Church, by the Grace of God. Please pray that God will send fellow-workers into this vineyard.
The first service of Orthodox prayer at the Orthodox Mission of St Andrew, Windsor, went very well indeed, far exceeding what had been hoped for. Father Peter had prepared to pray with one person he had been visiting for some months, but as the prayers from the Agpeya, or Coptic Daily Office, began there were eight people from a variety of backgrounds who had come together to begin this new service. And a further eight people had wanted to be present but were unable to do so for various reasons.
The Church of St Andrew is a beautiful and ancient place of prayer and the mission gathered in the smaller of three chapels. During the prayers Father Peter preached on the Gospel of the Miraculous Catch of Fish, and spoke of the need for perseverance in the Christian life and in the service of God.
After this encouraging start the next service of prayer will take place on Monday, November 12th, 6:30 pm at St Andrew's, Mill Lane, Clewer, Windsor.
This will be a regular monthly event which will develop according to the will of God.
For further information, or for any enquiries, please contact Father Peter at fatherpeter@britishorthodox.org
Do you live in the Windsor area? Then please consider supporting the new Orthodox Mission of St Andrew.
This is a new ministry of the British Orthodox Church within the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate, with the intention of developing a pan-Orthodox community of faithful Orthodox Christians as God wills.
Visit our website, and send an email or PM if you have any questions or would like to join us in Orthodox prayer.
I will be leading Orthodox Evening Prayers at the second meeting of the Orthodox Mission of St Andrew in Windsor on Monday 12th November, 6:30 pm, at St Andrew Church of England, Mill Lane, Clewer, Windsor, SL4 5JH
This is a pan-Orthodox mission sponsored by the British Orthodox Church within the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria, with the blessing of H.E. Metropolitan Seraphim, and the generous support of H.G. Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian.
All prayers are offered in English, and everyone interested in learning about our Orthodox Faith, or participating in developing an Orthodox community of prayer in the Windsor area is most warmly invited. If you know of anyone in the Windsor area who might be interested in praying with us then do share this information.
Our prayers will last about 30-35 minutes followed by an opportunity to share in a cup of tea or coffee.
Our website is at www.orthodoxwindsor.co.uk
Mission Priest: Father Peter Farrington
Email: fatherpeter@britishorthodox.org