It's almost time. The iLoghos app comes in exactly one week, with many features.
What's in the app inside:News (About the coptic world)
Audio (Alhan, Taranem, Children Songs, Christmas Carols, Instrumental)
Pictures (Holy Pictures)
Dictionary (With over 400 words)
Films (Moses the black, Pope Kyrillos - His mill, St. Ruweis, ...)
Radio (coming soon)
![image]( 4.PNG)
Sorry, only for iPhone an iPod Touch, but in 1-2 month
No love for Android? lol
There are more Android phones out there than iPhones. It might be a good business move to venture into the Google Playstore.
off topic: btw, i thought this thread was about the new Pope Tawadros by reading the thread title. kinda misleading lol