I. Coptic Collection (preliminary list): A. Coptic Bible Series (CB) B. Coptic History (CH) C. Coptic Haiography (CS): D. Coptic Writings of the Fathers (CW) E. Coptic Rites (CR) F. Coptic Canon Law (CL) G. Coptic Miscellaneous (CM) II. Arabic Collection (Preliminary List): A. Church History (AH) B. Hagiography (AS) C. Writings of the Fathers (AW) D. Rites of the Coptic Church (AR) E. Canon Law (AL) F. Arabic Miscellaneous (AM)
A. Coptic Bible Series (CB) CB1. Genesis. CB2. Exodus. CB3. Leviticus. CB4. Numbers. CB5. Deuteronomy. CB6. Joshua. CB7. Judges. CB8. Ruth. CB9. I Samual. CB10. II Samual. CB11. I Kings. CB12. II Kings. CB13. I & II Chronicles CB14. Esther. CB15. Judith. CB16. Tobit. CB17. I & II Machabees. CB18. Job. CB19. Psalms. CB20. Proverbs. CB21. Ecclesiastes. CB22. Canticle of Cantciles. CB23. Wisdom of Solomon. CB24. Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach. CB25. Hosea. CB26. Amos. CB27. Micah. CB28. Joel. CB29. Obadiah. CB30. Jonah. CB31. Nahum. CB32. Habbakkuk. CB33. Zephaniah. CB34. Haggai. CB35. Zacharais. CB36. Malachi. CB37. Isaiah. CB38. Jeramiah. CB39. Baruch. CB40. Lamentations & Ep. of Jeramiah. CB41. Ezekiel. CB42. Daniel. CB43. Gospel of St. Matthew. CB44. Gospel of St. Mark. CB45. Gospel of St. Luke. CB46. Gospel of St. John. CB47. Epistle to the Romans. CB48. Epistle to the Corinthians I CB49. Epistle to the Corinthians II. CB50. Epistle to the Hebrews. CB51. Epistles to Galatians & Ephesians. CB52. Epistles to Philipians & Colossians. CB53. Epistles to the Thessalonians I&II. CB54. Epistles to St. Timothy I&II. CB55. Epistles to SS. Titus and Philemon. CB56. Catholic Epistles of St. Peter I&II. CB57. Catholic Epistles of St. John I-III. CB58. Catholic Epist. of SS. James & Jude. CB59. Acts of the Apostles. CB60. Revelation of St. John . B. Coptic History (CH): To be determined.
C. Coptic Haiography (CS): CS1. St. Abraham of Menouf. CS2. St. Abraham of Scete. CS3. St. Amoun. CS4. St. Anatolius. CS5 St. Anoub (Abanoub) CS6. St. Anthony the Great. CS7. SS. Apater and Eirene. CS8. St. Aphu. CS9. SS. Apip and Apollo. CS10. St. Apoli. CS11. St. Apollo of Bawit. CS12. St. Apollonius. CS13. St. Archelides. CS14. St. Ari. CS15. St. Arianus. CS16. St. Arsenius. CS17. St. Bajoush. CS18. St. Barsuma the Naked. CS19. St. Bartholomew. CS20. St. Basilides. CS21. St. Bessarion. CS22. St. Bishai Anub. CS23. St. Chamoul. CS24. St. Chenoufe. CS25. St. Christodorus. CS26. St. Claudius of Antioch. CS27. St. Colluthus. CS28. SS. Clomas, Damian.... etc. CS29. SS. Cyriacus, Anna, and Adamon. CS30. SS. Cyriacus and Julietta. CS31. SS. Cyrus and John. CS32. St. Cyrus. CS33. St. Daniel of Scete. CS34. St. Didymus of Tarshjebi. CS35. St. Dionysius the Areopagite. CS36. St. Djoore. CS37. SS. Dorotheus & Theopista. CS38. St. Epime. CS39. St. Eugenius. CS40. St. Eusebius son of Basilides. CS41. St. George of Cappadocia. CS42. SS. Geius & Isidore. CS43. St. Genousi. CS44. St. Haroudj. CS45. St. Helias. CS46. St. Heraclides. CS47. St. Hilaria. CS48. St. Ignatius of Antioch. CS49. SS. Ioule & Ptelme. CS50. St. Issac of Tiphre. CS51. St. Isidore the Martyr. CS52. St. James the Persian. CS53. SS. John and Simeon. CS54. St. John the Baptist. CS55. St. John Colobos. CS56. St. John of the Golden Gospel. CS57. St. John the Hegumen. CS58. St. John of Heraclia. CS59. St. John Khame. CS60. St. John of Lycopolis. CS61. St. John of Phanidjoit. CS62. St. John of Psenhout. CS63. St. John the Merciful Patriarch. CS64. St. Justus the General. CS65. St. Kradjon. CS66. St. Lacaron. CS67. St. Leontius the Arab. CS68. St. Leontius the Tripoli. CS69. St. Longinus the Ascete. CS70. St. Luke the Evangelist. CS71. St. Macarius of Alexandria. CS72. St. Macarius of Antioch. CS73. St. Macarius the Great. CS74. St. Macarius of Tkoou. CS75. St. Macrobius the Martyr. CS76. St. Mark the Evangelist. CS77. St. Mary the Blessed Virgin. CS78. St. Mary of Egypt. CS79. St. Matthew the Poor. CS80. St. Maximus & Domitius. CS81. St. Menas of Egypt. CS82. St. Mercurius the General. CS83. St. Moui the Martyr. CS84. St. Nabraha. CS85. St. Nahrooh. CS86. St. Onuphrius. CS87. SS. Paese & Thecla. CS88. St. Pachom. CS89. SS. Pamun & Sarmata. CS90. St. Panteleon. CS91. St. Paphnutius of Denderah. CS92. St. Paphnutius the Martyr. CS93. St. Papohe Disciple of St. Apolllo. CS94. St. Paul the Hermit. CS95. St. Paul of Tamuah. CS96. St. Peter of Alexandria, Patriarh. CS97. St. Peter the Iberian. CS98. St. Philimon the Piper. CS99. St. Philotheos the Martyr. CS100. St. Phib the Monk. CS101. St. Phoebammon. CS102. St. Phidjimi. CS103. SS. Pihour, Pisoura,....etc. CS104. St. Pior. CS105. SS. Piroou & Athom. CS106. St. Pisentius. CS107. St. Pisoura the Bishop. CS108. St. Polycarpe. CS109. St. Porphyry. CS110. St. Psote. CS111. St. Ptolemy. CS112. St. Samuel of Qalamon. CS113. St. Sarabamon the Martyr. CS114. St. Sarapion. CS115. St. Sergius of Atripe. CS116. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite. CS117. St. Simeon the Stylite. CS118. St. Sousenyous. CS119. St. Theodore the General. CS120. St. Theodore the Oriental. CS121. St. Theodore of Tabinis. CS122. St. Theognosta. CS123. St. Theonas of Alexandria. CS124. St. Thomas of Psentalet. CS125. St. Timothy of Memphis. CS126. St. Til (Apatil). CS127. St. Victor the General. CS128. 7 Sleepers of Ephesus. CS129. 40 Martyrs of Sebasta. CS130. 49 Martyrs of Scetis.
D. Coptic Writings of the Fathers (CW): CW1. St. Acacius of Constantinople. CW2. St. Acacius of Caesarea. CW3. St. Agathon of Alexandria. CW4. St. Agathonicus of Tarsus. CW5. St. Alexander of Alexandria. CW6. St. Amphilochius of Iconium. CW7. St. Anastasius of Euchaita. CW8. St. Anthony the Great. CW9. St. Archelaus of Niopolis. CW10. St. Athanasthius of Alexandria. CW11. St. Athanasius of Antoich. CW12. St. Basil of Caesarea. CW13. St. Basil of Pimje. CW14. St. Benjemin of Alexandria. CW15. St. Besa the Archimandrite. CW16. St. Celestinus of Rome. CW17. St. Clement of Rome. CW18. St. Constantinus of Lycopolis. CW19. St. Cyprian of Antioch. CW20. St. Cyril of Alexandria. CW21. St. Cyril of Jerusalem. CW22. St. Damian of Alexandria. CW23. St. Demetrius of Antioch. CW24. St. Dionysius the Areopagite. CW25. St. Dioscorus of Alexandria. CW26. St. Ephraem the Anchorite. CW27. St. Ephraem the Syrian. CW28. St. Epiphanius of Salamis. CW29. Eusebius of Caesarea. CW30. Evagrius. CW31. St. Euodius of Rome. CW32. St. Flavian of Ephesus. CW33. St. Gregory of Nazianz. CW34. St. Gregory of Nyssa. CW35. Hermas, Shepherd of. CW36. St. Hippolytus of Rome. CW37. St. Horsiesius. CW38. St. Ignatius of Antioch. CW39. St. Irenaus of Lyon. CW40. St. Isaac of Hnes. CW41. St. Isaac of Qalamun. CW42. St. Isaiah of Scete. CW43. St. John of Alexandria. CW44. St. John of Ashmunin. CW45. St. John of Burulus. CW46. St. John Chrysostom CW47. St. John the Presbyter CW48. St. Liberius of Rome. CW49. St. Macarius the Great. CW50. St. Mark III of Alexandria. CW51. St. Melito of Sardis. CW52. St. Menas of Pshati. CW53. St. Moses the Archimandrite CW54. St. Moses of Qift. CW55. St. Moses of Tkoou. CW56. St. Pachom. CW57. St. Palladius of Helenopolis. CW58. St. Pambo of Scete CW59. St. Paphnutius the Monk. CW60. St. Papohe. CW61. St. Peter of Alexandria. CW62. St. Peter Mongus. CW63. St. Phobammon of Akhmim CW64. St. Pisentius of Qift. CW65. St. Prochorus. CW66. St. Proclus of Cyzicus. CW67. St. Psoius of Constantinople. CW68. St. Psote of Psoi. CW69. St. Rufus of Shotep. CW70. St. Samuel of Qalamon. CW71. St. Severianus of Gabala. CW72. St. Severus of Antioch. CW73. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite. CW74. St. Steven of Hnes. CW75. St. Theodore of Antioch. CW76. St. Theodore the Archimandrite. CW77. St. Theodosius of Alexandria. CW78. St. Theodosius of Jerusalem. CW79. St. Theodotius of Ancyra. CW80. St. Theopemptus of antioch. CW81. St. Theophilus of Alexandria. CW82. St. Timothy of Alexandria. CW83. St. Zacharias of Shu
E. Coptic Rites (CR): CR1. Coptic Horologion (Agbeyia). CR2. Coptic Psalmodia, Annual. CR3. Coptic Psalmodia. Kiahk. CR4. Interpretation of the Theotokia. CR5. Difnar (1), Tut-Kiahk. CR6. Difnar (2), Tubah-Baramuda. CR7. Difnar (3), Bachons-Nasi CR8. Service of the Raising of Incense. CR9. Coptic Anaphora of St. Basil. CR10. Coptic Anaphora of St. Gregory. CR11. Coptic Anaphora of St. Cyril. CR12. Miscellaneous Coptic Liturgies. CR13. Coptic Lectionary, Annual, Tut-Amshir. CR14. Coptic Lectionary, Annual, Baunah-Nasi. CR15. Coptic Lectionary of Lent. CR16. Coptic Lectionary of the Holy Pascha. CR17. Coptic Lectionary of the Paschaltide CR18. Procession of the Cross at the Feast of the Cross CR19. Coptic Canon of the Feast of St.John the Baptist. CR20. Coptic Canon of the Feast of St. Shenouda the Archimandrite CR21. Coptic Turuhat of the Year, Sundays and Feasts. CR22. Coptic Turuhat of the Saints. CR23. Coptic Turuhat of the Holy Pascha CR24. Coptic Laqan (washing of the feet), Epiphany. CR25. Coptic laqan (washing of the feet), Maunday Thursday. CR26. Coptic laqan (washing of the feet), Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul. CR27. Coptic Service of the Genuflection. CR28. Coptic Diaconal. CR29. Coptic Office of the Holy Baptism and Chrism. CR30. Coptic Office of the Holy Matrimony. CR31. Coptic Office of the Holy Unction (Al-Qandil). CR32. Coptic Office of the Funerals. CR33. Coptic Ordination of the Patriarchs CR34. Coptic Ordinations of the Holy Orders. CR35. Consecration of the New Church, Altar, Vessels, ... etc. CR36. Benediction of the Monks.
F. Coptic Canon Law (CL): CL1. Coptic Didache. CL2. Coptic Apostolic Constitutions. CL3. Coptic Canons of the Council of Nice. CL4. Coptic Canons of the Council of Ephesus. CL5. Coptic Canons of St. Athanasius. CL6. Coptic Canons of St. Basil.
G. Coptic Miscellaneous (CM): CM1. Physiologus. CM2. Coptic Medical Texts. CM3. Coptic Astronomy Texts. CM4. Miscellaneous Coptic Science Texts.
A. Church History (AH): AH1. History of the Patriarchs By Bishop Severus Ibn Al-Muqafah of Ashmunin AH2. History of Ibn Al-Makin.
B. Hagiography (AS): AS1. St. Damiana AS2. St. Takla Himanyout. AS3. St. Julius of Khebhs.
C. Writings of the Fathers (AW): AW1 Al-Mawhub Ibn Mansur. AW2 Bishop Bulus al-Bushi. AW3 Ibn Kabar. AW4 Ibn Kaiser. AW5 Bishop Severus Ibn Al-Muqafah.
D. Rites of the Coptic Church (AR): AR1. Coptic Synaxarium, Tut-Amshir. AR2. Coptic Synaxarium, Baramhat-Nasi. AR3. Consecration of the Holy Chrism.
E. Canon Law (AL): AL1. Canon Laws Of St. Cyril II of Alexandria. AL2. Canon Laws of Cyrill III (Ibn Loqloq) of Alex. AL3. Canon Laws of Bishop Michael of Damiette. AL4. Canon Laws of St. Christodulus of Alexandria.
F. Arabic Miscellaneous (AM) To be determined.
Prepared by Hany N. Takla. Last Update 3/4/96 For more information contact HTakla@gnn.com
These are not manuscripts. These are the library structure of St Shenoute Society. He lists categories but it doesn't mean he has all these manuscripts. It was a structure formula established years ago that is not really used.
Well these would not be translations. These would be original manuscripts in their original languages categorized in this structure. These are primary sources. You are asking about secondary sources.
But to answer your question, many of these are translated in critical editions that you can likely find on Google Books or various publishers. You'll have to do a Google search for each one. Is there something in particular you are looking for?
I. Coptic Collection (preliminary list):
A. Coptic Bible Series (CB)
B. Coptic History (CH)
C. Coptic Haiography (CS):
D. Coptic Writings of the Fathers (CW)
E. Coptic Rites (CR)
F. Coptic Canon Law (CL)
G. Coptic Miscellaneous (CM)
II. Arabic Collection (Preliminary List):
A. Church History (AH)
B. Hagiography (AS)
C. Writings of the Fathers (AW)
D. Rites of the Coptic Church (AR)
E. Canon Law (AL)
F. Arabic Miscellaneous (AM)
A. Coptic Bible Series (CB)
CB1. Genesis.
CB2. Exodus.
CB3. Leviticus.
CB4. Numbers.
CB5. Deuteronomy.
CB6. Joshua.
CB7. Judges.
CB8. Ruth.
CB9. I Samual.
CB10. II Samual.
CB11. I Kings.
CB12. II Kings.
CB13. I & II Chronicles
CB14. Esther.
CB15. Judith.
CB16. Tobit.
CB17. I & II Machabees.
CB18. Job.
CB19. Psalms.
CB20. Proverbs.
CB21. Ecclesiastes.
CB22. Canticle of Cantciles.
CB23. Wisdom of Solomon.
CB24. Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach.
CB25. Hosea.
CB26. Amos.
CB27. Micah.
CB28. Joel.
CB29. Obadiah.
CB30. Jonah.
CB31. Nahum.
CB32. Habbakkuk.
CB33. Zephaniah.
CB34. Haggai.
CB35. Zacharais.
CB36. Malachi.
CB37. Isaiah.
CB38. Jeramiah.
CB39. Baruch.
CB40. Lamentations & Ep. of Jeramiah.
CB41. Ezekiel.
CB42. Daniel.
CB43. Gospel of St. Matthew.
CB44. Gospel of St. Mark.
CB45. Gospel of St. Luke.
CB46. Gospel of St. John.
CB47. Epistle to the Romans.
CB48. Epistle to the Corinthians I
CB49. Epistle to the Corinthians II.
CB50. Epistle to the Hebrews.
CB51. Epistles to Galatians & Ephesians.
CB52. Epistles to Philipians & Colossians.
CB53. Epistles to the Thessalonians I&II.
CB54. Epistles to St. Timothy I&II.
CB55. Epistles to SS. Titus and Philemon.
CB56. Catholic Epistles of St. Peter I&II.
CB57. Catholic Epistles of St. John I-III.
CB58. Catholic Epist. of SS. James & Jude.
CB59. Acts of the Apostles.
CB60. Revelation of St. John
B. Coptic History (CH):
To be determined.
C. Coptic Haiography (CS):
CS1. St. Abraham of Menouf.
CS2. St. Abraham of Scete.
CS3. St. Amoun.
CS4. St. Anatolius.
CS5 St. Anoub (Abanoub)
CS6. St. Anthony the Great.
CS7. SS. Apater and Eirene.
CS8. St. Aphu.
CS9. SS. Apip and Apollo.
CS10. St. Apoli.
CS11. St. Apollo of Bawit.
CS12. St. Apollonius.
CS13. St. Archelides.
CS14. St. Ari.
CS15. St. Arianus.
CS16. St. Arsenius.
CS17. St. Bajoush.
CS18. St. Barsuma the Naked.
CS19. St. Bartholomew.
CS20. St. Basilides.
CS21. St. Bessarion.
CS22. St. Bishai Anub.
CS23. St. Chamoul.
CS24. St. Chenoufe.
CS25. St. Christodorus.
CS26. St. Claudius of Antioch.
CS27. St. Colluthus.
CS28. SS. Clomas, Damian.... etc.
CS29. SS. Cyriacus, Anna, and Adamon.
CS30. SS. Cyriacus and Julietta.
CS31. SS. Cyrus and John.
CS32. St. Cyrus.
CS33. St. Daniel of Scete.
CS34. St. Didymus of Tarshjebi.
CS35. St. Dionysius the Areopagite.
CS36. St. Djoore.
CS37. SS. Dorotheus & Theopista.
CS38. St. Epime.
CS39. St. Eugenius.
CS40. St. Eusebius son of Basilides.
CS41. St. George of Cappadocia.
CS42. SS. Geius & Isidore.
CS43. St. Genousi.
CS44. St. Haroudj.
CS45. St. Helias.
CS46. St. Heraclides.
CS47. St. Hilaria.
CS48. St. Ignatius of Antioch.
CS49. SS. Ioule & Ptelme.
CS50. St. Issac of Tiphre.
CS51. St. Isidore the Martyr.
CS52. St. James the Persian.
CS53. SS. John and Simeon.
CS54. St. John the Baptist.
CS55. St. John Colobos.
CS56. St. John of the Golden Gospel.
CS57. St. John the Hegumen.
CS58. St. John of Heraclia.
CS59. St. John Khame.
CS60. St. John of Lycopolis.
CS61. St. John of Phanidjoit.
CS62. St. John of Psenhout.
CS63. St. John the Merciful Patriarch.
CS64. St. Justus the General.
CS65. St. Kradjon.
CS66. St. Lacaron.
CS67. St. Leontius the Arab.
CS68. St. Leontius the Tripoli.
CS69. St. Longinus the Ascete.
CS70. St. Luke the Evangelist.
CS71. St. Macarius of Alexandria.
CS72. St. Macarius of Antioch.
CS73. St. Macarius the Great.
CS74. St. Macarius of Tkoou.
CS75. St. Macrobius the Martyr.
CS76. St. Mark the Evangelist.
CS77. St. Mary the Blessed Virgin.
CS78. St. Mary of Egypt.
CS79. St. Matthew the Poor.
CS80. St. Maximus & Domitius.
CS81. St. Menas of Egypt.
CS82. St. Mercurius the General.
CS83. St. Moui the Martyr.
CS84. St. Nabraha.
CS85. St. Nahrooh.
CS86. St. Onuphrius.
CS87. SS. Paese & Thecla.
CS88. St. Pachom.
CS89. SS. Pamun & Sarmata.
CS90. St. Panteleon.
CS91. St. Paphnutius of Denderah.
CS92. St. Paphnutius the Martyr.
CS93. St. Papohe Disciple of St. Apolllo.
CS94. St. Paul the Hermit.
CS95. St. Paul of Tamuah.
CS96. St. Peter of Alexandria, Patriarh.
CS97. St. Peter the Iberian.
CS98. St. Philimon the Piper.
CS99. St. Philotheos the Martyr.
CS100. St. Phib the Monk.
CS101. St. Phoebammon.
CS102. St. Phidjimi.
CS103. SS. Pihour, Pisoura,....etc.
CS104. St. Pior.
CS105. SS. Piroou & Athom.
CS106. St. Pisentius.
CS107. St. Pisoura the Bishop.
CS108. St. Polycarpe.
CS109. St. Porphyry.
CS110. St. Psote.
CS111. St. Ptolemy.
CS112. St. Samuel of Qalamon.
CS113. St. Sarabamon the Martyr.
CS114. St. Sarapion.
CS115. St. Sergius of Atripe.
CS116. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite.
CS117. St. Simeon the Stylite.
CS118. St. Sousenyous.
CS119. St. Theodore the General.
CS120. St. Theodore the Oriental.
CS121. St. Theodore of Tabinis.
CS122. St. Theognosta.
CS123. St. Theonas of Alexandria.
CS124. St. Thomas of Psentalet.
CS125. St. Timothy of Memphis.
CS126. St. Til (Apatil).
CS127. St. Victor the General.
CS128. 7 Sleepers of Ephesus.
CS129. 40 Martyrs of Sebasta.
CS130. 49 Martyrs of Scetis.
CW1. St. Acacius of Constantinople.
CW2. St. Acacius of Caesarea.
CW3. St. Agathon of Alexandria.
CW4. St. Agathonicus of Tarsus.
CW5. St. Alexander of Alexandria.
CW6. St. Amphilochius of Iconium.
CW7. St. Anastasius of Euchaita.
CW8. St. Anthony the Great.
CW9. St. Archelaus of Niopolis.
CW10. St. Athanasthius of Alexandria.
CW11. St. Athanasius of Antoich.
CW12. St. Basil of Caesarea.
CW13. St. Basil of Pimje.
CW14. St. Benjemin of Alexandria.
CW15. St. Besa the Archimandrite.
CW16. St. Celestinus of Rome.
CW17. St. Clement of Rome.
CW18. St. Constantinus of Lycopolis.
CW19. St. Cyprian of Antioch.
CW20. St. Cyril of Alexandria.
CW21. St. Cyril of Jerusalem.
CW22. St. Damian of Alexandria.
CW23. St. Demetrius of Antioch.
CW24. St. Dionysius the Areopagite.
CW25. St. Dioscorus of Alexandria.
CW26. St. Ephraem the Anchorite.
CW27. St. Ephraem the Syrian.
CW28. St. Epiphanius of Salamis.
CW29. Eusebius of Caesarea.
CW30. Evagrius.
CW31. St. Euodius of Rome.
CW32. St. Flavian of Ephesus.
CW33. St. Gregory of Nazianz.
CW34. St. Gregory of Nyssa.
CW35. Hermas, Shepherd of.
CW36. St. Hippolytus of Rome.
CW37. St. Horsiesius.
CW38. St. Ignatius of Antioch.
CW39. St. Irenaus of Lyon.
CW40. St. Isaac of Hnes.
CW41. St. Isaac of Qalamun.
CW42. St. Isaiah of Scete.
CW43. St. John of Alexandria.
CW44. St. John of Ashmunin.
CW45. St. John of Burulus.
CW46. St. John Chrysostom
CW47. St. John the Presbyter
CW48. St. Liberius of Rome.
CW49. St. Macarius the Great.
CW50. St. Mark III of Alexandria.
CW51. St. Melito of Sardis.
CW52. St. Menas of Pshati.
CW53. St. Moses the Archimandrite
CW54. St. Moses of Qift.
CW55. St. Moses of Tkoou.
CW56. St. Pachom.
CW57. St. Palladius of Helenopolis.
CW58. St. Pambo of Scete
CW59. St. Paphnutius the Monk.
CW60. St. Papohe.
CW61. St. Peter of Alexandria.
CW62. St. Peter Mongus.
CW63. St. Phobammon of Akhmim
CW64. St. Pisentius of Qift.
CW65. St. Prochorus.
CW66. St. Proclus of Cyzicus.
CW67. St. Psoius of Constantinople.
CW68. St. Psote of Psoi.
CW69. St. Rufus of Shotep.
CW70. St. Samuel of Qalamon.
CW71. St. Severianus of Gabala.
CW72. St. Severus of Antioch.
CW73. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite.
CW74. St. Steven of Hnes.
CW75. St. Theodore of Antioch.
CW76. St. Theodore the Archimandrite.
CW77. St. Theodosius of Alexandria.
CW78. St. Theodosius of Jerusalem.
CW79. St. Theodotius of Ancyra.
CW80. St. Theopemptus of antioch.
CW81. St. Theophilus of Alexandria.
CW82. St. Timothy of Alexandria.
CW83. St. Zacharias of Shu
E. Coptic Rites (CR):
CR1. Coptic Horologion (Agbeyia).
CR2. Coptic Psalmodia, Annual.
CR3. Coptic Psalmodia. Kiahk.
CR4. Interpretation of the Theotokia.
CR5. Difnar (1), Tut-Kiahk.
CR6. Difnar (2), Tubah-Baramuda.
CR7. Difnar (3), Bachons-Nasi
CR8. Service of the Raising of Incense.
CR9. Coptic Anaphora of St. Basil.
CR10. Coptic Anaphora of St. Gregory.
CR11. Coptic Anaphora of St. Cyril.
CR12. Miscellaneous Coptic Liturgies.
CR13. Coptic Lectionary, Annual, Tut-Amshir.
CR14. Coptic Lectionary, Annual, Baunah-Nasi.
CR15. Coptic Lectionary of Lent.
CR16. Coptic Lectionary of the Holy Pascha.
CR17. Coptic Lectionary of the Paschaltide
CR18. Procession of the Cross at the Feast of the Cross
CR19. Coptic Canon of the Feast of St.John the Baptist.
CR20. Coptic Canon of the Feast of St. Shenouda the Archimandrite
CR21. Coptic Turuhat of the Year, Sundays and Feasts.
CR22. Coptic Turuhat of the Saints.
CR23. Coptic Turuhat of the Holy Pascha
CR24. Coptic Laqan (washing of the feet), Epiphany.
CR25. Coptic laqan (washing of the feet), Maunday Thursday.
CR26. Coptic laqan (washing of the feet), Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul.
CR27. Coptic Service of the Genuflection.
CR28. Coptic Diaconal.
CR29. Coptic Office of the Holy Baptism and Chrism.
CR30. Coptic Office of the Holy Matrimony.
CR31. Coptic Office of the Holy Unction (Al-Qandil).
CR32. Coptic Office of the Funerals.
CR33. Coptic Ordination of the Patriarchs
CR34. Coptic Ordinations of the Holy Orders.
CR35. Consecration of the New Church, Altar, Vessels, ... etc.
CR36. Benediction of the Monks.
F. Coptic Canon Law (CL):
CL1. Coptic Didache.
CL2. Coptic Apostolic Constitutions.
CL3. Coptic Canons of the Council of Nice.
CL4. Coptic Canons of the Council of Ephesus.
CL5. Coptic Canons of St. Athanasius.
CL6. Coptic Canons of St. Basil.
G. Coptic Miscellaneous (CM):
CM1. Physiologus.
CM2. Coptic Medical Texts.
CM3. Coptic Astronomy Texts.
CM4. Miscellaneous Coptic Science Texts.
A. Church History (AH):
AH1. History of the Patriarchs By Bishop Severus Ibn Al-Muqafah of Ashmunin
AH2. History of Ibn Al-Makin.
B. Hagiography (AS):
AS1. St. Damiana
AS2. St. Takla Himanyout.
AS3. St. Julius of Khebhs.
C. Writings of the Fathers (AW):
AW1 Al-Mawhub Ibn Mansur.
AW2 Bishop Bulus al-Bushi.
AW3 Ibn Kabar.
AW4 Ibn Kaiser.
AW5 Bishop Severus Ibn Al-Muqafah.
D. Rites of the Coptic Church (AR):
AR1. Coptic Synaxarium, Tut-Amshir.
AR2. Coptic Synaxarium, Baramhat-Nasi.
AR3. Consecration of the Holy Chrism.
E. Canon Law (AL):
AL1. Canon Laws Of St. Cyril II of Alexandria.
AL2. Canon Laws of Cyrill III (Ibn Loqloq) of Alex.
AL3. Canon Laws of Bishop Michael of Damiette.
AL4. Canon Laws of St. Christodulus of Alexandria.
F. Arabic Miscellaneous (AM)
To be determined.
Prepared by Hany N. Takla. Last Update 3/4/96
For more information contact HTakla@gnn.com