New Guy

edited December 1969 in Introductions
Hey all, wuts up? I am new here. My 'real' name is Tim but my username is 'Timos' just to pleez my parents--they go crazy thinking its unsafe. But anwho, I am from Canada and am 17 years old. I won't name which church cuz I wouldn't wanna start a feude, lol.


  • :)

    Welcome! Your from Canada,huh...thats a very beautiful country though their political system's alittle messed kidding.At least they allowed FOX News to broadcast ;D

    God bless you.I look forward to reading your posts.
  • Thanks for the warm welcome Jfranklin. I look forward to reading your posts as well. Really? I never new that Foxnews aired recently? I tought they were banned here 2. I havent been watchin too much tv, exams are here!
  • Really? I never new that Foxnews aired recently? I tought they were banned here 2. I havent been watchin too much tv, exams are here

    It's available now in Canada! Will wonders never cease! ;D
  • welcom fellow canadian! canada rocs although i am not entirely sure where my tax money is going but oh well!

  • hello... im not new but its my 1st time to read the posts and get involved... just wondering.. where r u guys from? im assuming jersey.. am i right?
    btw im from Canada as well n im 16...
  • well i am glad you decided to join, i am from canada, check out the what church are you from topic, most people say where their from and what church they are from!

  • welcome Timos ;)
  • thanks a lot saviourofmysoul, mary k, and child of christ for oyur warm welcomes. I go to a bunch of different Orthodox churches. Now I know the one you want to know about is the coptic church. am I right?? :) lol. I go to the St.Mary and St. Athanasius Coptic Orthodox Church in Mississauga. How about you gals?
  • i go the same chruch as u

  • do we know each other Maria? Ok is Maria your real name or your alias? If you want, email me and we can chat some more:

    God bless, chat with u l8er!
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