What Hymns would you like to see on our site?

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
What Hymns would you like to see on our site?


  • Well, really every hymn possible especially for Moalem "Ibrahim Ayad" and very important also for Moalem "Faheem Guirguis".


    Jacob Hanna
  • I was wondering if you guys have the weekday tasbeha hymns by any mlm
  • Please, I would like some help. I am new to the Orthodox Copotic Church. Actually, I'm an American of Irish descent...

    I am trying to learn the music and songs of the congregation. I have the liturgy, the Hours, etc. But learning the music and songs in Arabic and Coptic is quite challenging. I have the words. I just need help, please, in learning how to prounce them correctly, and to learn the music.

    Might someone who is knowledgable suggest how I may successfully find and download the songs used in St. basis's Liturgy during most masses. For example, we sing Psalm 150 every mass. Where can I find it to download?

    I wish to practice, so I may more fully participate in the congregation's portion of the liturgy. (and yes, I do like to sing...and maybe God likes it, too.)

    Thank you, and God bless you.

  • Frannie,
    Welcome in the coptic orthodox church (also known as "mother of Orthodoxy" and "mother of Martyrs")

    I would suggest the following:

    1- Don't let the language hinder you specially arabic. You can attent most of the coptic mass in english.. at least at the beginning

    2- Take your time.. begin by laerning coptic .. you will find it easier to you than arabic

    3- A common remark to the coptic hymns (specially the long ones) when you begin learning, you "think" there is no progress in first time.. But keep "reviewing" the same hymn after few days and you will find how good progress u have made..

    4- The best thing in my opinion to let you actively cooperate, learn music and coptic language at the same time is to attend midnight praise (saturday night for the following Sunday). You ear will get familiar to the music (repeated in other hymns too other than midnight-praises), to the language and best of all the wonderful meaning you will discover in the words..

    Hope this helps.. God bless you
  • Thank you kindly,

    I do attend mass, sometimes several times a week. I am learning Coptic via internet.

    What i would like to do, as I am a tutor, and I am aware of my "most effective" learning style, is to get the basic hymns (used most often), download them to my friends computer, and then write them to a CD, so i may listen to them before bed, or during the day, with the liturgy in frontof me.. and asociate the music to the words and its common place in the liturgy. Yes, I find the Coptic way of singing VERY different form my own past experience...

    I often get lost in song (trying to follow the cantors and choir), and find myself singing the words (to God and myself- silently) to a tune I already know. So, might you suggest something along thise lines? I have been to severla sites, and cannot find whjat I am looking for. I expect they are there.. I just don't know what they are called..

    I am very grateful for your reply, and God bless you...


  • Frannie,
    If I understand correctly your last posting, the difficulty is to specify "which" (hymn name) "where" (website) and "when" (during the liturgy).

    This site on tasbeha.org is for Mlm Ibrahim Ayad for the annual liturgy.


    you can begin by downloading "short easy frequent" hymns like the following:

    1- Alleluia fai pe pi (offertory: This is the day that the Lord..)

    2- Doxa Patri (offertory: Glory be..)

    3- Tai Shoori (Pre-Pauline epistle: This censer: joyful days)

    4- Ti Shoori (Pre-Pauline epistle: The censer: fasting days)

    5- Hiten (Pre-Pauline epistle: Through the intercessions..)

    All the above are under part 1 of the website

    If you need more items of this simple "decriptive list" please contact me: VIVA_XHMI@copticchurch.net

    God Bless you
  • Oh, yes! I checked the Liturgy, and many of these songs are what i am lookig for. Thank you so much... thank you...

    i do have trouble navigating around all the labels which are unfamiliar to me. thank you...
  • Dear Mikesl and the others,
    Thank you guys for your professional effort of putting the picture of Mlm Ibrahim Ayad and best of all: the descriptive note under his folder (annual hymns) and that of HICS...

    I would suggest to put also a brief decription in english under each hymn.
    for example Alleluia fai pe pi,
    instead of "Ibrahim Ayad - Annual Hymns -1 ", put
    "This is the day"..

    I have also a special request : Can you add any of the hymns for the current fast of the Virgin?.. I have some of the HICS mp3 for "tamgeed"-"veneration" but they are not in good quality..

    God bless you
  • [quote author=VIVA XHMI link=board=2;threadid=5;start=0#msg71 date=1060492474]
    I would suggest to put also a brief decription in english under each hymn.
    for example Alleluia fai pe pi,
    instead of "Ibrahim Ayad - Annual Hymns -1 ", put
    "This is the day"..

    That is a great suggestion, we will try to add English descriptions where possible, especially to commonly used hymns.

    [quote author=VIVA XHMI link=board=2;threadid=5;start=0#msg71 date=1060492474]
    I have also a special request : Can you add any of the hymns for the current fast of the Virgin?.. I have some of the HICS mp3 for "tamgeed"-"veneration" but they are not in good quality..

    God bless you

    We are currently working on adding the two tapes recorded by HICS for "Veneration of Saint Mary". We are currently digitally enhancing these recordings and we'll put them online soon.
  • Glorification Hymns for Saint Mary now online by HICS at:

    All Hymns have been digitally remastered.

    Please use the RM streaming until we bring the secondary server online for FTP downloads and MP3 streaming.
  • Is it possible to put "Ya Mariam, Al Bikr Fudkee"? It is one of my favorite hymns, but unfortunately, I don't know most of the words. I think that listening to the song would help me memorize it more, just like FrannieCoptic said. Please, please, please put it on. Also, "Nasibi, Howal Raab" is another one of my favorites. Please, try to find them and put them on. THANKS EVERYONE!!!
  • Dear Mike

    I was looking around many websites for the coptic psalm for the pope, metropolitan or bishop, [coptic]Maro[acf[/coptic] in the annual tune, but i can't find it anywhere. If you have it please add it to the selection of hymns, preferably for Ibrahim Ayad. Thanks

    [coptic]qen Pi,rictoc[/coptic]
  • Paul,

    You can find the Psalm Marochasf at the end of the first track of the Christmas Liturgy from last year from St. Mark's.

  • I would Love it, if you could put the St. Gregory Liturgy from the HICS, just like you have for St. Basil.
    Thankyou, Shani Rompi :-*
  • [quote author=mikesl link=board=2;threadid=5;start=0#msg164 date=1068487517]

    You can find the Psalm Marochasf at the end of the first track of the Christmas Liturgy from last year from St. Mark's.


    Paul was asking about Marochasf in the ANNUAL tune. Unless I'm missing something, the Marochasf from Christmas liturgy is in FESTAL tune.

    You can find the annual Marochasf at http://www.coptichymns.net/ under Streaming Hymns > Papal Hymns.
  • Great thanks for the psalm Marochasf. But the one on www.coptichymns.net sounds a little wierd. I've never heard it like that before. I've heard it in annual tune a few times before but it was in a much slower tune that was quite different. If anybody knows what i'm talking about or knows where the find it, your help would be greatly appreciated.

    [coptic]Qen Pi,tictoc[/coptic]

    [coptic]Aripameu`i qen pek`slil[/coptic]
  • Paul,

    I put up the tune for the annual psalm response for Muallem Farag at:

    Marochasf for the annual tune sounds exactly like this. I sent you the feastal one by mistake.
  • [quote author=Peter Ibrahim link=board=2;threadid=5;start=0#msg165 date=1068513744]
    I would Love it, if you could put the St. Gregory Liturgy from the HICS, just like you have for St. Basil.
    Thankyou, Shani Rompi :-*

    Dear Peter,

    Thanks to our friend viva_xhmi, we've added the Gregorian Liturgy for the Higher Institute of Coptic Studies. We've also removed all background noise so you hear the liturgy in its purest form.

    Liturgy of Saint Gregory
  • Hey Mike,

    Thanks for the Psalm. So your saying that marochasf is said in the same tune but just change the words. ??? lol...doesn't sound to hard. Thanks Mike. Take care

    [coptic] Qen Pi,rictoc [/coptic]

    [coptic] Aripameu`i qen Nek`slil [/coptic]
  • Thankyou very much for adding guys, and thankyou Viva_XHMI, now i can start listening to the Liturgies!
    [coptic]Sa Nirompi[/coptic] :)
  • hi,
    i would like to see a full 3asheya, preferably including ibrahim 3ayad
    thank you very much, that would be awesome
    take care
  • would you pls put the asheia on the site.

    thankyou very much.
    may god bless all.
    Justin :)
  • Please I would like to see the Funeral Service Hymns, by somone other than Ibrahim Ayad.
    Shani Rompi :)
  • HEllo, my name is Shady (also written as Shadi)

    I am very fond of Kiahk "7 and 4" hymns because they are very nice to hear and chant...but i cannot find any complete kiahk hymns folder on the tasbeha.org so i suggest adding a complete folder with all/most of the kiahk hymns

    PS : I hope the moalem or deacon has a nice voice

  • I was wondering if you could get the song "I praise the virgin" in english. thank you!!
  • Isn't that Amdah Fel Batool in Arabic?
    Shani Rompi :P
  • Mike,
    It would be great if you guys could put "Golgotha" in English on the site. I've been searching for it, and it's impossible to find in English. Maybe someone has it by chance. Thanks and God Bless! :)
  • i would like it very much if u got aripsaleen (if u already hav it, tel me where it is). tnx :D
  • Hey Egyptian_copt,
    You can find Aripsaleen here:


    This one's performed by Ibrahim Ayad.
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