I went and watched the movie, and i guess i have so much to say, it is a real well made, well directed movie, i think it is a piece of art, there was some mistakes in the movie, in relation to what is written in the bible; the way i remember it is that judas took the money and bought himself a piece of land and hung himself there, in the movie, he throw the money back at the head priest, also a big contradiction is that the nails were hammered above the wrist joint, not in the palm of the hand as proved by the shroud of taurine. but it really does not bother me, i loved that movie, what i came here to say something else and i see i got deviated from saying it. It is that alot of people do not wanna go watch the mvoie because of the graphic scenes, and that they do not wanna see jesus tortured that way, i think it is wrong to try to forget that jesus was tortured, because he was and we have to remember this all the time especially when we are contemplating making or doing a sin, we can not just close our eyes, forget what happened to Him when he came here, and how much he loved us, so that we go ahead and do what we want and not feel guilty about it, i encourage everyone and keep telling all my friends that they should go watch it. What do you think?
The movie is accurate as far as Judas' story is concerned. Judas did brought the money back and it was the priests who bought a potter's field (Matt 27:3-6).
In regards to the nails, the movie does shows the nails piercing the palm. Even both of the thieves were nailed throught the palm.
you are right about the silver , thank you for correcting me, did you also notice how close the Aramiac language to the Arabic ? i picked up a few words during the movie.
hi i was just wondering about Christs nail piercing! i don't know if i understood wrongly but did you say christ was pierced in the palm of His Hands? because i was told this was wrong as the palm of the hand would rip and therefore the nails went above His wrist.
This movie was unbelievable. It was the only movie that brought me to tears. I feel like it put renewed strength in my faith and gave me a true understanding of Christ's suffering for all our sakes.
ZTawadrous, This is true, but is only a minor detail overlooked by Gibson. The point of the movie was to "shock" viewers and to prove to all men how much Christ suffered for his beloved children. The movie got this point across well.
Abanoub88 I surely agree with you. In the movie theater, it was enought o look at the people coming out of the movie to tell which movie they watched. I am encouraging all my friends to watch it. There is a remark I heard though, which is, the movie does not emphasise the fact that Jesus is mighty and powerfull, which is something that can be used against us as christians and His followers, when non-christians watch it. It may not get through to them that His love for us was more of a proof of his power than if he resisted the torture and the crucifiction.
ZTawadrous, Truly a point of concern. Perhaps though, those wanting to know more about the story of Christ will seek a nearby church to ask questions. And this Church will explain to them the details of the story, the points that we as Christians take (most of the time) for granted (i.e. the power of his love which kept him in the path towards crucifixion). God will give those, whom he wants, the thirst for knowledge of Christ, those same people will serve God and through their works, may God be glorified.
hay every body out their. have you seen the movie passion of the christ? o my god that movie was sooooo good even i cryed :'(in the movie theather. i recomned it on of the #1 movie in america. and, i wish everybody well see it ;):)
I liked the movie very much and it was very touching, but there was however a part that i didnt understand and it was the part where the bold female (portrayed as the devil) was carrying the hairy, ugly child and smirking at Christ as if trying to make Him Jealous. I would appreciate any suggestion of the meaning of this part from anybody...
I asked my father of confession this and he said it is a sign of the Anti-Christ, if you want me to answer what is the anti-christ?i shall reply if u post it
fh, Why is it not correct to look at the movie's "perfection"? I think that the point of the movie, Christ's crucifixion, death, and resurrection, was expressedly correctly, accurately, and to where the viewer understood fully the point at hand. It was not a matter of whether the whipping was overdone, which indeed it was extremely horrific, or whether the crucifixion was not concentrated on enough. It is the movie as a whole that should be critiqued if at all. I believe the movie was just right. Perhaps a future poll will find more specific views from others who have also seen the movie.
I saw the Passion of the Christ. I'm "too young" to see it, as I was crying almost the whole time. :'( Overall, I love the movie (even though my friends think I'm crazy) and will probably buy it to watch every Good Friday.
I think it was a great movie, I cried so much though when I saw it :'( :'( :'( Look how much Jesus has done for us, there is no greater love than His love, He came and died for us, "But God demonstrates His own love towards u, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" Romans 5:8, The price He paid for us was His BLOOD :'(and the sad thing is that even though Jesus Christ was crucified for our sins 2004 years ago, yet everytime we sin, we crucify Him again, as if we put another nail in His body, "So God it is my sins that are the thorns plunged into Your head"- fraction to the Son at anytime-
[quote author=ZTawadrous link=board=1;threadid=128;start=0#msg380 date=1078846321] I went and watched the movie, and i guess i have so much to say, it is a real well made, well directed movie, i think it is a piece of art, there was some mistakes in the movie, in relation to what is written in the bible; the way i remember it is that judas took the money and bought himself a piece of land and hung himself there, in the movie, he throw the money back at the head priest, also a big contradiction is that the nails were hammered above the wrist joint, not in the palm of the hand as proved by the shroud of taurine. but it really does not bother me, i loved that movie, what i came here to say something else and i see i got deviated from saying it. It is that alot of people do not wanna go watch the mvoie because of the graphic scenes, and that they do not wanna see jesus tortured that way, i think it is wrong to try to forget that jesus was tortured, because he was and we have to remember this all the time especially when we are contemplating making or doing a sin, we can not just close our eyes, forget what happened to Him when he came here, and how much he loved us, so that we go ahead and do what we want and not feel guilty about it, i encourage everyone and keep telling all my friends that they should go watch it. What do you think?
This movie is EXCELLENT! I went and saw it 3 times already, and I'm planning on goin a couple more times. It was so great and emotional, and I think I cried more the second time than I did the first time. The third time I kept my eyes closed half the time because I knew what was coming. A word of advice to those who have not seen it: YOU MISSED OUT, LOSERS. To those who plan on seeing it: if you cry only because your friends cry, or if you don't cry because you're embarrassed, YOU ARE A COWARD who does not deserve the privelege of seeing this movie. To those who already have seen it: PROPS, HOMIES! Lemme know what you all think, ok? Yalla, beace.
I asked a priest here in Melbourne, Fr. Makar El anba Bishoy, and he replied saying that the devil was trying to tell God that His father had rejected Him. Jesus was constantly praying and He always prayed saying,"My Father". Here the devil is telling Him that His father alowed Him to suffer, but he wont allow his son to suffer, hthe devil alo tries to tell Jesus that He cannot rule His kingdom any more and that now, the devil's son will rule forever. Although this is the case, the devil is still defeated in the end of the movie.
I am still asking for more opinions about this topic because i am very enthusiastic about answering this question to my school friends, at St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox College, Melbourne, Australia.
Hi! I liked the movie a lot. I cried most of the movie. However, the part that affected me the most was when Jesus was asking his Father to “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Although I have heard this line many times before and know that it showed how merciful God was, the movie showed its full effect. It showed me that there is nobody like Jesus and that he is not weak at all. This part alone showed his strength. Here in New Jersey America, we went in huge groups to go see the movie. During the first couple of weekends, most of the theaters in the surrounding area of Jersey City were full of Egyptians. Many of us saw it more than one time and will buy it as soon as it comes out on video. Pray for me.
Hi! This movie was excellent. I wish all people will see it. The day I went, I found people from all faiths who went to see it and not only Christians. That's why I think it's a good way to Evangelize the world. There were some details which were not written in the bible but I don't think it's wrong. Like the fact after nailing the right hand on the cross, the left hand could not come over the cross hole. Instead of making another hole on the cross, they pulled Jesus to come over the hole. This detail was not mentionned in the Bible but it has been discovered from the holy Shroud. Because the Bible just mentions the fact without going into details except for the details which are to show the accomplishment of a prophecy.
I liked it very much. I wish it big success. I have just one comment. I wished to see Jesus after the resurrection because the story does not end just with the death of Jesus but there is the resurrection and the ascension.
[quote author=ZTawadrous link=board=1;threadid=128;start=0#msg380 date=1078846321] I went and watched the movie, and i guess i have so much to say, it is a real well made, well directed movie, i think it is a piece of art, there was some mistakes in the movie, in relation to what is written in the bible; the way i remember it is that judas took the money and bought himself a piece of land and hung himself there, in the movie, he throw the money back at the head priest, also a big contradiction is that the nails were hammered above the wrist joint, not in the palm of the hand as proved by the shroud of taurine. but it really does not bother me, i loved that movie, what i came here to say something else and i see i got deviated from saying it. It is that alot of people do not wanna go watch the mvoie because of the graphic scenes, and that they do not wanna see jesus tortured that way, i think it is wrong to try to forget that jesus was tortured, because he was and we have to remember this all the time especially when we are contemplating making or doing a sin, we can not just close our eyes, forget what happened to Him when he came here, and how much he loved us, so that we go ahead and do what we want and not feel guilty about it, i encourage everyone and keep telling all my friends that they should go watch it. What do you think?
KF, My thoughts exactly. I wished there was more of the Resurrection than that final scene of about 20 seconds. It would have been nice to see more of it.
arbible i just had a look at the web page you refered to " the shroud of turine" it confirms what i said about the place of the nails being above the wrist joint if you have your hand down, contradictory to the movie, where they peirced His hand in the palm area, !!!!!! so, i dont see your point, sorry.
[quote author=tonmik link=board=1;threadid=128;start=15#msg463 date=1080253661] Thank you very much for that Samuel,
I asked a priest here in Melbourne, Fr. Makar El anba Bishoy, and he replied saying that the devil was trying to tell God that His father had rejected Him. Jesus was constantly praying and He always prayed saying,"My Father". Here the devil is telling Him that His father alowed Him to suffer, but he wont allow his son to suffer, hthe devil alo tries to tell Jesus that He cannot rule His kingdom any more and that now, the devil's son will rule forever. Although this is the case, the devil is still defeated in the end of the movie.
I am still asking for more opinions about this topic because i am very enthusiastic about answering this question to my school friends, at St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox College, Melbourne, Australia.
Thank you again for your reply Samuel...
Your brother in Christ,
Tony Mikhail
Dear Tony and Dear Brothers and Sisters in The Christ, first of all I would like to tell you that I was touched so much from this movie and I have the same opinions and critics as some of you. But we have to take in consideration that this movie is one of the best movies that put a light on the Passion of Our Mighty God, Our Beloved Jesus Christ; Mel Gibson directed this movie with a perfection and with the eye of a Christian that wanted to tell his brothers and sisters about “ THE PRICE THAT WAS PAID FOR THEIR LIFES”, we have to watch this movie several times to see what exactly was the meanings of it and to imagine the unbelievable PAIN that Our Lord went through for the sake of all the mankind, and how Mel Gibson managed to give us this message at the end of the movie when they took Jesus off the Cross and went in the arms of Our Beloved Mother “Virgin Mary” and how she took him in her arms and gave us (the audience) this Huge Look that tells us without speaking (YOU SEE, THIS IS THE PRICE THAT HE PAID FOR ALL OF YOU) you can not imagine this look how it was sweet, powerful, sad and touching till the bones, I cried as I have never cried before just from remembering this Passion, and remembering at the same time this look that went through my heart and soul, and made me think again about my life and how many times I crucified my Beloved Jesus with my sins and ignorance. We have to take this movie as a message for all of us to stop and look deeply into ourselves and ASK: where are we from our God? Are we living and giving him our life, because we are the creation of his hands and he is the One that paid the price of our freedom and took us in his Heart and Arms.
Dear Tony, regarding your question … The devil was not sure that this man was the Christ, he was doubting and very hesitating about who is Jesus, if you remember in the beginning of the movie he asked Our Lord “who is your father ?” and at the same time if he knew that this Man was The Christ he would have made everything possible to stop Jesus from finishing what he came for, also if you watch the movie again try to see the scenes that the devil was watching Jesus and how he thought that he wins after the whipping but he was wrong because Our Lord wanted to drink the chalice till the end. Also on the Cross he tried his last game making the Jews tell Jesus “if you are the Christ then come down and let us believe” also the left thief told Jesus ”if you are the Christ come down save your self and save us with you”, all these words came from the devil after he started to become sure that this man was the Son Of God, but , it was accomplished my brother, we are saved from the devil’s hands and now we are in the hands of our Beloved Jesus Christ that gave us his life and carried us from the darkness to the Light.
Dear Tony , her is my email add. (hameess@link.net) I’ll be so happy if you gave me your add. in Australia so I can send you some books and CD’s concerning this topic and any other topic you would like to discuss.
Brothers and Sisters, Please remember your brother ossama in your prayers, because I’m going through a very hard time and I have a problem that is separating me from my wife, I know for sure that God will never let me down, but he also says that if 2 or 3 gathered on my Name, I’ll be with them, I’m going to go on Palm Sunday early in the morning to the D. Embassy to start some papers concerning this subject, need a small candle and a prayer. (don’t forget me :'().
I shouldn't be allowed to watch it and I was very close to not watching because of the gory factor. I couldn't take my eyes of the screen and I was crying almost the whole time. :o :'(I was very touched and I confessed as soon as I could. :D
It is that alot of people do not wanna go watch the mvoie because of the graphic scenes, and that they do not wanna see jesus tortured that way, i think it is wrong to try to forget that jesus was tortured, because he was and we have to remember this all the time especially when we are contemplating making or doing a sin, we can not just close our eyes, forget what happened to Him when he came here, and how much he loved us, so that we go ahead and do what we want and not feel guilty about it, i encourage everyone and keep telling all my friends that they should go watch it.
What do you think?
In regards to the nails, the movie does shows the nails piercing the palm. Even both of the thieves were nailed throught the palm.
I never can remember these things ???
God Bless
This is true, but is only a minor detail overlooked by Gibson. The point of the movie was to "shock" viewers and to prove to all men how much Christ suffered for his beloved children. The movie got this point across well.
I surely agree with you.
In the movie theater, it was enought o look at the people coming out of the movie to tell which movie they watched. I am encouraging all my friends to watch it.
There is a remark I heard though, which is, the movie does not emphasise the fact that Jesus is mighty and powerfull, which is something that can be used against us as christians and His followers, when non-christians watch it. It may not get through to them that His love for us was more of a proof of his power than if he resisted the torture and the crucifiction.
Truly a point of concern. Perhaps though, those wanting to know more about the story of Christ will seek a nearby church to ask questions. And this Church will explain to them the details of the story, the points that we as Christians take (most of the time) for granted (i.e. the power of his love which kept him in the path towards crucifixion). God will give those, whom he wants, the thirst for knowledge of Christ, those same people will serve God and through their works, may God be glorified.
have you seen the movie passion of the christ?
o my god that movie was sooooo good even i cryed :'(in the movie theather. i recomned it on of the #1 movie in america.
and, i wish everybody well see it ;) :)
such as: the whipping was overdone
the ressurection was underdone
Your brother in Christ,
Tony Mikhail
Why is it not correct to look at the movie's "perfection"? I think that the point of the movie, Christ's crucifixion, death, and resurrection, was expressedly correctly, accurately, and to where the viewer understood fully the point at hand. It was not a matter of whether the whipping was overdone, which indeed it was extremely horrific, or whether the crucifixion was not concentrated on enough. It is the movie as a whole that should be critiqued if at all. I believe the movie was just right. Perhaps a future poll will find more specific views from others who have also seen the movie.
I went and watched the movie, and i guess i have so much to say, it is a real well made, well directed movie, i think it is a piece of art, there was some mistakes in the movie, in relation to what is written in the bible; the way i remember it is that judas took the money and bought himself a piece of land and hung himself there, in the movie, he throw the money back at the head priest, also a big contradiction is that the nails were hammered above the wrist joint, not in the palm of the hand as proved by the shroud of taurine. but it really does not bother me, i loved that movie, what i came here to say something else and i see i got deviated from saying it.
It is that alot of people do not wanna go watch the mvoie because of the graphic scenes, and that they do not wanna see jesus tortured that way, i think it is wrong to try to forget that jesus was tortured, because he was and we have to remember this all the time especially when we are contemplating making or doing a sin, we can not just close our eyes, forget what happened to Him when he came here, and how much he loved us, so that we go ahead and do what we want and not feel guilty about it, i encourage everyone and keep telling all my friends that they should go watch it.
What do you think?
I asked a priest here in Melbourne, Fr. Makar El anba Bishoy, and he replied saying that the devil was trying to tell God that His father had rejected Him. Jesus was constantly praying and He always prayed saying,"My Father". Here the devil is telling Him that His father alowed Him to suffer, but he wont allow his son to suffer, hthe devil alo tries to tell Jesus that He cannot rule His kingdom any more and that now, the devil's son will rule forever.
Although this is the case, the devil is still defeated in the end of the movie.
I am still asking for more opinions about this topic because i am very enthusiastic about answering this question to my school friends, at St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox College, Melbourne, Australia.
Thank you again for your reply Samuel...
Your brother in Christ,
Tony Mikhail
Here in New Jersey America, we went in huge groups to go see the movie. During the first couple of weekends, most of the theaters in the surrounding area of Jersey City were full of Egyptians. Many of us saw it more than one time and will buy it as soon as it comes out on video. Pray for me.
I liked it very much. I wish it big success. I have just one comment. I wished to see Jesus after the resurrection because the story does not end just with the death of Jesus but there is the resurrection and the ascension.
Pray for me.
[quote author=ZTawadrous link=board=1;threadid=128;start=0#msg380 date=1078846321]
I went and watched the movie, and i guess i have so much to say, it is a real well made, well directed movie, i think it is a piece of art, there was some mistakes in the movie, in relation to what is written in the bible; the way i remember it is that judas took the money and bought himself a piece of land and hung himself there, in the movie, he throw the money back at the head priest, also a big contradiction is that the nails were hammered above the wrist joint, not in the palm of the hand as proved by the shroud of taurine. but it really does not bother me, i loved that movie, what i came here to say something else and i see i got deviated from saying it.
It is that alot of people do not wanna go watch the mvoie because of the graphic scenes, and that they do not wanna see jesus tortured that way, i think it is wrong to try to forget that jesus was tortured, because he was and we have to remember this all the time especially when we are contemplating making or doing a sin, we can not just close our eyes, forget what happened to Him when he came here, and how much he loved us, so that we go ahead and do what we want and not feel guilty about it, i encourage everyone and keep telling all my friends that they should go watch it.
What do you think?
My thoughts exactly. I wished there was more of the Resurrection than that final scene of about 20 seconds. It would have been nice to see more of it.
i just had a look at the web page you refered to " the shroud of turine" it confirms what i said about the place of the nails being above the wrist joint if you have your hand down, contradictory to the movie, where they peirced His hand in the palm area, !!!!!!
so, i dont see your point, sorry.
Thank you very much for that Samuel,
I asked a priest here in Melbourne, Fr. Makar El anba Bishoy, and he replied saying that the devil was trying to tell God that His father had rejected Him. Jesus was constantly praying and He always prayed saying,"My Father". Here the devil is telling Him that His father alowed Him to suffer, but he wont allow his son to suffer, hthe devil alo tries to tell Jesus that He cannot rule His kingdom any more and that now, the devil's son will rule forever.
Although this is the case, the devil is still defeated in the end of the movie.
I am still asking for more opinions about this topic because i am very enthusiastic about answering this question to my school friends, at St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox College, Melbourne, Australia.
Thank you again for your reply Samuel...
Your brother in Christ,
Tony Mikhail
Dear Tony and Dear Brothers and Sisters in The Christ,
first of all I would like to tell you that I was touched so much from this movie and I have the same opinions and critics as some of you.
But we have to take in consideration that this movie is one of the best movies that put a light on the Passion of Our Mighty God, Our Beloved Jesus Christ; Mel Gibson directed this movie with a perfection and with the eye of a Christian that wanted to tell his brothers and sisters about “ THE PRICE THAT WAS PAID FOR THEIR LIFES”, we have to watch this movie several times to see what exactly was the meanings of it and to imagine the unbelievable PAIN that Our Lord went through for the sake of all the mankind, and how Mel Gibson managed to give us this message at the end of the movie when they took Jesus off the Cross and went in the arms of Our Beloved Mother “Virgin Mary” and how she took him in her arms and gave us (the audience) this Huge Look that tells us without speaking (YOU SEE, THIS IS THE PRICE THAT HE PAID FOR ALL OF YOU) you can not imagine this look how it was sweet, powerful, sad and touching till the bones, I cried as I have never cried before just from remembering this Passion, and remembering at the same time this look that went through my heart and soul, and made me think again about my life and how many times I crucified my Beloved Jesus with my sins and ignorance. We have to take this movie as a message for all of us to stop and look deeply into ourselves and ASK: where are we from our God? Are we living and giving him our life, because we are the creation of his hands and he is the One that paid the price of our freedom and took us in his Heart and Arms.
Dear Tony, regarding your question …
The devil was not sure that this man was the Christ, he was doubting and very hesitating about who is Jesus, if you remember in the beginning of the movie he asked Our Lord “who is your father ?” and at the same time if he knew that this Man was The Christ he would have made everything possible to stop Jesus from finishing what he came for, also if you watch the movie again try to see the scenes that the devil was watching Jesus and how he thought that he wins after the whipping but he was wrong because Our Lord wanted to drink the chalice till the end. Also on the Cross he tried his last game making the Jews tell Jesus “if you are the Christ then come down and let us believe” also the left thief told Jesus ”if you are the Christ come down save your self and save us with you”, all these words came from the devil after he started to become sure that this man was the Son Of God, but , it was accomplished my brother, we are saved from the devil’s hands and now we are in the hands of our Beloved Jesus Christ that gave us his life and carried us from the darkness to the Light.
Dear Tony , her is my email add. (hameess@link.net) I’ll be so happy if you gave me your add. in Australia so I can send you some books and CD’s concerning this topic and any other topic you would like to discuss.
Brothers and Sisters, Please remember your brother ossama in your prayers, because I’m going through a very hard time and I have a problem that is separating me from my wife, I know for sure that God will never let me down, but he also says that if 2 or 3 gathered on my Name, I’ll be with them, I’m going to go on Palm Sunday early in the morning to the D. Embassy to start some papers concerning this subject, need a small candle and a prayer. (don’t forget me :'().
God Bless You All.