[quote author=superman23 link=board=1;threadid=4412;start=0#msg60825 date=1158274716] why do we fast weds and fri's again
Wednesday commemorates the betrayal of Judas, Friday commemorates the Crucifixion.
Fasting twice a week was a pious custom dating back to the Old Testament times, when Jews used to fast on mondays and thursdays (I think Salafist Muslims also fast on these days).
But this was changed to wednesdays and fridays to give the days a Christian meaning, and to make sure we were not fasting at the same time "as the hypocrites" to use the words of the Didache.
Monks (atleast in the EO) also fast on mondays, in remembrance of the Holy Angels.
At least in the Greek tradition it is...Sunday is for the Resurrection, Monday for the Heavenly and Incorporeal Powers, Tuesday for The Holy Prophet and Forerunner John, Wednesday for the Theotokos and the Cross, Thursday for the Holy Apostles and our Father among the Saints the Holy Hierarch Nicholas, Friday for the Cross, and Saturday for the Faithful Departed.
[quote author=Christ4Life link=board=1;threadid=4412;start=0#msg61768 date=1160100709] They are the same as the Great Lent - strictly vegan.
Just to add to this:
In addition to being completely vegan; oil and wine are also prohibited.
If one follows the rules strictly, no food or drink at all should be eaten from midnight until the 9th hour (3pm). Also, one should limit the number of meals to just one.
Atleast that's the Eastern Orthodox practice (Coptic may differ).
[quote author=mnc_hnn link=board=1;threadid=4412;start=0#msg63219 date=1163439419] WoW, wine ok, but oil? on wed. n fri nearly everything i eat has oil in it lol
It seems the prohibition of oil is only an Eastern Orthodox thing; I wasn't sure whether the Coptic practice was the same when I wrote that.
Greek...Much stricter i think, dont tell me u eat one meal a day twice a week? i cnt do that ever omg
Strict fasting in the EO means this: Keeping a total fast (eating and drinking nothing at all) between midnight and the 9th Hour (3pm)
After that, you may eat a single meal, but it cannot contain any meat, fish, dairy, eggs, wine or oil.
There was a discussion about this on another board, and I was told by a Coptic subdeacon and scholar that Coptic fasting (except for the oil thing) is exactly the same as what I've listed above - i.e. only one meal per day, and nothing before 3pm.
But you only fast as leniently or severely as your FOC tells you to, so very few people tend to eat only one meal per day (usually only monks do that).
not anything anything, but i have seen a father who never eats unless people are around him and they ask him to eat eg breakfast with him after mass and i dunno, i eat more in a meal than he does ina whole day
Ok, in regards to eating food with oil in it, it is allowed in the Coptic Church. However, and I really emphasize this, all fasting and its details should be discussed with the father of confession. Some people in the Coptic Church do fast Wednesdays and Fridays without oil, some do not. It depends from person to person, depending on spirituality and health, which is why I say that issues such as these should be discussed with an FOC.
why do we fast weds and fri's again
Wednesday commemorates the betrayal of Judas, Friday commemorates the Crucifixion.
Fasting twice a week was a pious custom dating back to the Old Testament times, when Jews used to fast on mondays and thursdays (I think Salafist Muslims also fast on these days).
But this was changed to wednesdays and fridays to give the days a Christian meaning, and to make sure we were not fasting at the same time "as the hypocrites" to use the words of the Didache.
Monks (atleast in the EO) also fast on mondays, in remembrance of the Holy Angels.
They are the same as the Great Lent - strictly vegan.
Just to add to this:
In addition to being completely vegan; oil and wine are also prohibited.
If one follows the rules strictly, no food or drink at all should be eaten from midnight until the 9th hour (3pm). Also, one should limit the number of meals to just one.
Atleast that's the Eastern Orthodox practice (Coptic may differ).
Greek...Much stricter i think, dont tell me u eat one meal a day twice a week? i cnt do that ever omg
WoW, wine ok, but oil? on wed. n fri nearly everything i eat has oil in it lol
It seems the prohibition of oil is only an Eastern Orthodox thing; I wasn't sure whether the Coptic practice was the same when I wrote that. Strict fasting in the EO means this:
Keeping a total fast (eating and drinking nothing at all) between midnight and the 9th Hour (3pm)
After that, you may eat a single meal, but it cannot contain any meat, fish, dairy, eggs, wine or oil.
There was a discussion about this on another board, and I was told by a Coptic subdeacon and scholar that Coptic fasting (except for the oil thing) is exactly the same as what I've listed above - i.e. only one meal per day, and nothing before 3pm.
But you only fast as leniently or severely as your FOC tells you to, so very few people tend to eat only one meal per day (usually only monks do that).
thnx for ur info
they actually dont eat at all in lent.
They don't eat anything at all?? I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure you would die if you went all of Lent without eating anything at all.
friday because jesus was crusifide[coptic][/coptic]