[quote author=minagir link=topic=5678.msg75968#msg75968 date=1187891587] [quote author=Orthodox11 link=topic=5678.msg75967#msg75967 date=1187891268] [quote author=minagir link=topic=5678.msg75952#msg75952 date=1187884580] we recognise them as Legitimate Apostolic church, not a sect, not the full truth...... Orthodoxy IS the truth.
The word sect can be used in several ways and may be applied to pretty much any religious group, including Catholicism.
But may I ask what you mean by legitimate? The Roman Catholic Church is not part of the Body of Christ, and its apostolic succession was (if one is to believe the Fathers) forfeited when it's bishops separated themselves from the Church. Nor does it hold fully to Apostolic teaching, much of which has been lost, distorted or added to. So in what way is the Catholic Church legitimate, and other schismatic/heretical groups are illegitimate?
Personally I would see such lables as misleading. As we proclaim in the Creed, there is only one legitimate Church (how Her borders are defined is another matter); you're either in or out.
Naturally, some are further from the truth than others, but I cannot see how you can differentiate between them by using words like 'legitimate' and 'illegitimate.'
thanks for correcting.
I did not say CULT...
I said SECT...
sect /sɛkt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sekt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. a body of persons adhering to a particular religious faith; a religious denomination. 2. a group regarded as heretical or as deviating from a generally accepted religious tradition. 3. (in the sociology of religion) a Christian denomination characterized by insistence on strict qualifications for membership, as distinguished from the more inclusive groups called churches. 4. any group, party, or faction united by a specific doctrine or under a doctrinal leader.
[quote author=Meena_Ameen link=topic=5678.msg75973#msg75973 date=1187897009] by the way, that whole thing about the SUN and how for 3 days its "dead" and rises for one day....Is Not God controlling all this? Does God not choose when the sun rises and sets, and at the same time doesnt God use symbols and AWFUL LOT... Look at the book of Revelations, its ALL SYMBOLS... I personally find this video as Proof of the Living God, because God is using the earth in as many ways possible to show the world than Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He is symbolizing his life using the earth and the stars. We celebrate christmas and easter every year by Going to chruch... is it not Possible that the heavens celebrate Christmas every year by using the earth and the stars to almost replay Jesus birth , and death and ressurection?
But that assumption "....Is Not God controlling all this?" has not been proven. Nor will it ever be as you need faith in Christianity remember? It is an assumption or belief!!!
[quote author=Meena_Ameen link=topic=5678.msg75973#msg75973 date=1187897009] by the way, that whole thing about the SUN and how for 3 days its "dead" and rises for one day....Is Not God controlling all this? Does God not choose when the sun rises and sets, and at the same time doesnt God use symbols and AWFUL LOT... Look at the book of Revelations, its ALL SYMBOLS... I personally find this video as Proof of the Living God, because God is using the earth in as many ways possible to show the world than Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He is symbolizing his life using the earth and the stars. We celebrate christmas and easter every year by Going to chruch... is it not Possible that the heavens celebrate Christmas every year by using the earth and the stars to almost replay Jesus birth , and death and ressurection?
So if that is the case that
"God is using the earth in as many ways possible to show the world than Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He is symbolizing his life using the earth and the stars."
Why did we assist Constantine in persecuting the pagans who resisted our Christian enforcement?
[quote author=elepti link=topic=5678.msg75982#msg75982 date=1187923479] Yes the Catholics use a different calendar only because their calendar is based on a pagan calendar.
if it's a pagan calendar then we're using the same one...than we're all pagansss..... ;D
ya habibi worry about what u belive, the truth and defend it. don't worry about others (catholics....)
[quote author=elepti link=topic=5678.msg75987#msg75987 date=1187925263] Why did we assist Constantine in persecuting the pagans who resisted our Christian enforcement?
you are using Constantine as an person who connected christianty and paganism.
ya habibi he did what he had to do to keep everything under control. even thoo i don't even trust ur info about what u say.
i wouldn't think u'll make a great emperor or king one day.
Why did we assist Constantine in persecuting the pagans who resisted our Christian enforcement?
He didn't.
Your sarcasm stems from ignorance. Back then being baptised late was the pious thing to do for those introduced to Christianity in their adulthood. They would usually undergo comprehensive catechesis, sometimes into the decades, before undergoing baptism.
I am sorry...But I recognize propaganda quite easily these days and that is definately propaganda!!!
You will know nothing as long as you continue to believe you know everything.
I did not say I know everything! that is why I am talking to you guys.
And another thing:
if the following:
Back then being baptised late was the pious thing to do for those introduced to Christianity in their adulthood. They would usually undergo comprehensive catechesis, sometimes into the decades, before undergoing baptism.
Back then being baptised late was the pious thing to do for those introduced to Christianity in their adulthood. They would usually undergo comprehensive catechesis, sometimes into the decades, before undergoing baptism.
Is true. Then why dont we do it?
Though it was a practice motivated by piety, it was not proper. The latter point is irrelevant to the issue in question however, which concerns St Constantine's motivation/intention.
I should additionally stress, albeit on an unrelated point, that this practice concerned those introduced to Christianity in their adulthood. Infant baptism was still very much the norm for those born of Christian parents.
Fine. Constantine's righteuousness has been called into question many times. I doubt that we will ever truly be able to find the truth of that. Maybe only opinions but certainly not the truth.
If the right thing to do was to create a 'Christian' empire, how come Christ says:
"Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” John 18:36
All of that 'comprehensive catechesis' should have told Constantine at least that...
Besides being a Christian, at that time, became the right thing to do if you wanted to get into the social hierarchy and have a prominent position. It was social not spiritual.
Fine. Constantine's righteuousness has been called into question many times. I doubt that we will ever truly be able to find the truth of that. Maybe only opinions but certainly not the truth.
The Church is the Pillar and Bulwark of Truth, and St Constantine the Great is a canonised Saint of the Church. His righteousness is an established fact, and history does not challenge it. May his prayers and blessings be with us all, amen.
If the right thing to do was to create a 'Christian' empire, how come Christ says:
"Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” John 18:36
I'll answer your question if you answer mine. If strawberries are red, then howcome banana's are yellow?
All of that 'comprehensive catechesis' should have told Constantine at least that...
What did I say earlier about the consequence of thinking you know everything?
Sorry to diverge a little from the conversation about constantine, i just have few comments about the movie itself.
It consisted of three parts: religion, politics & money. I do not know why & who made this video, but clearly the bottom line of this movie is not about religion, rather its about money. I might be wrong, but here is my logic...
lets leave part 1 of the movie alone for now, and focus on part 2 & 3. Part 2 talks about the wars, WWI, WWII, 9/11 and the corrupt governments through out time. How Bush was having breakfast with Bin Laden's brother the morning of 9/11. How the government hides the video recording of the plane crash into the pentagon. The bombing of the ship to start the veteran war, etc... Maybe everything is true, but they are just trying to setup the viewer’s train of thought to part 3 of the movie which is basically: the corrupt government - being controlled by the central bank - goes into war for the sole profit of the central bank operators. Producing more money, creating more debt, creating profits to bankers. Where is religion in this picture now?
They bring religion into the picture only to authenticate their point of view. They start with religion to deceive the weak hearted people that they have the truth, they know what’s right and what’s wrong. Their main goal is to prove that the government is so corrupt that they are trying to use every level of its infrastructure to influence the people to believe what the "leaders" want them to believe. Thus, the government use religion, TV, media, games, shows, etc.. to mind control the society.
Personally, I do NOT agree that the government is using religion in any way, shape or form, because if in fact it was, then we should see America in a different state than it is now. Christianity would influence the society to become more Christian like not diverging from Christ!. To prove this, lets look at Austria, do we hear it goes into war every other day? do we hear about terrorist attacks every little bit happening? compare the percentage of alcohol consumption in the US vs. Austria, pornographic video production, strip clubs, etc...if you are wondering, here is a very small reason:
"Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture." - Australian Prime Minister John Howard.
Maybe I have said too much, but if the US government was in fact using religion to mind-control our society, then Christianity would definitely change a lot of things and Christ would then be able to drive this country onto the proper path. Also, as a silly note, college level English classes teach you to have the strongest paragraph at the end of your essay, to focus on your main point and restate your objective and thesis. Watch the end again closely. See how much they mention Christ compared to government, war & money. Only about 5seconds in a 4 to 6 min wrap up.
Personally, I do NOT agree that the government is using religion in any way, shape or form, because if in fact it was, then we should see America in a different state than it is now. Christianity would influence the society to become more Christian like not diverging from Christ!. To prove this, lets look at Austria, do we hear it goes into war every other day? do we hear about terrorist attacks every little bit happening? compare the percentage of alcohol consumption in the US vs. Austria, pornographic video production, strip clubs, etc...
Well, the issue here is subversion. The politician's main interest is to do the bidding of those that control the show (whoever they are). Politicians are the little guys, the peons, the ones that take the fall (IE JFK). This interest is NOT to create a moral society, but to pervert scriptures, and foment certain events to justify wars, etc. Hitler did exactly this! He used Christian arguments, that were perverted by the propaganda team (Goebbels), as a platform for his empire. But the funny thing is that he was never a Christian, he was a pagan. He was a member of the Thule society in Germany at that time.
Despite this, Christian Scripture provides us a moral compass in which we can discern right from wrong, whereas those of secular reasoning have no guideline to do so. Innate consciousness is not palpable, and it is rather malleable as one grows, hence is flawed by the outset. The perversion of Scripture by these men, does make this seem that Scripture is not consistent, but without knowing the mechanics nor the history in which these woeful ambassadors of the faith, it would be my hopeful and faithful reply that they committed fundamental spiritual errors that cannot be reconciled to any basic Christian conduct.
"Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture." - Australian Prime Minister John Howard.
Fine. Constantine's righteuousness has been called into question many times. I doubt that we will ever truly be able to find the truth of that. Maybe only opinions but certainly not the truth.
The Church is the Pillar and Bulwark of Truth, and St Constantine the Great is a canonised Saint of the Church. His righteousness is an established fact, and history does not challenge it. May his prayers and blessings be with us all, amen.
If the right thing to do was to create a 'Christian' empire, how come Christ says:
"Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” John 18:36
I'll answer your question if you answer mine. If strawberries are red, then howcome banana's are yellow?
All of that 'comprehensive catechesis' should have told Constantine at least that...
What did I say earlier about the consequence of thinking you know everything?
Well... strawberries and bannanas struck an accord with one another. During ripening the strawberries would be yellow. . Some banannas did not want to be red and remained yellow, while the others decided to be red
Besides how do you know that Constantines righteousness was established fact? Are you Rabina to know the hearts of men???
[quote author=elepti link=topic=5678.msg76019#msg76019 date=1187972727] Besides how do you know that Constantines righteousness was established fact? Are you Rabina to know the hearts of men???
one of the sources of our belife is the "Words of the fathers" which witnessed for king Constantine and as Iqbal said he is in fact a conanical saint in our church that is witnessed for by many.
what's in the heart is for God to and what is done through the heart and mind is what we see and in a way grant them the deserved respect.
Does anyone else see the irony here? You demand that we account for how we know that Constantine was a righteous man without being God, and thus, able to discern the hearts of man, and yet you have taken it upon yourself to refer to Constantine as 'Machiavellian'. Thus, I turn your own question against you:
Besides how do you know that Constantines unrighteousness was established fact? Are you Rabina to know the hearts of men???
Did he raise people from the dead? Did he heal the sick? Did he sell all of his belongings and give them to the poor? How can you compare this politician to say... Baba Kyrolos (Not a match at all) Look... They had to cannonize him, he stopped scores of Christians from getting murdered ITS JUST POLITICS...
Besides are we not all saints according to Saint Paul?
Did he raise people from the dead? Did he heal the sick? Did he sell all of his belongings and give them to the poor?
did u......
How can you compare this politician to say... Baba Kyrolos (Not a match at all) POLITICS...
Pope Kerrolos is a Pope.
Constantine was a king who as i said before was witnessed for. and he found the cross of Jesus.
Besides are we not all saints according to Saint Paul?
yes we are saint. but are u doing the things that u listed above to really be a saint?!!!
because according to you to have to: [quote author=elepti link=topic=5678.msg76023#msg76023 date=1187973639] ... raise people from the dead ... heal the sick ... sell all of ur belongings and give them to the poor
Oh I see, so politicians, according to you, cannot be righteous. I guess that means that men such as King David are not Saints by virtue of the fact that:
1) David was a politician 2) David did not raise the dead 3) David did not heal the sick 4) David did not sell all his belongings and give them to the poor.
You really should put some thought into what you write before you do so.
What... are you trying to tell me that Prophets are not Saints? John the Baptist, the link between the Old and New Testaments, was both a Saint and a Prophet. Again, think before you type.
I did not say politicians cannot be righteous. For if they were righteous, they would make terrible politicians. David was a great servent of God but was not very successful as a politician. His own people wanted to conspire againsed him to kill him!
[quote author=elepti link=topic=5678.msg76029#msg76029 date=1187974392] HE WAS CANNONIZED A SAINT! Do ordinary Christians get cannonized as saints? No they do not. So why him?
A Christian is Christian. there is no ordinary and nonordinary. if a person is saint we'll all see it if God wants to. we have many ordinar christian that are sometimes more saintlly than many sints i've heard about...but they are just not femous becuase God just wants it that way.
Oh I see, so politicians, according to you, cannot be righteous. I guess that means that men such as King David are not Saints
No, he was not a Saint, he was a Prophet.
lol...no you really out of. David was a king, a prophet and a saint. For God's sake ya habibi.
God Himself said:
Acts 13:22 'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.'
1 Samuel 13:14 .. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you."
I think a canon from God in the bible is good enough...
[quote author=Orthodox11 link=topic=5678.msg75967#msg75967 date=1187891268]
[quote author=minagir link=topic=5678.msg75952#msg75952 date=1187884580]
we recognise them as Legitimate Apostolic church, not a sect, not the full truth...... Orthodoxy IS the truth.
The word sect can be used in several ways and may be applied to pretty much any religious group, including Catholicism.
But may I ask what you mean by legitimate? The Roman Catholic Church is not part of the Body of Christ, and its apostolic succession was (if one is to believe the Fathers) forfeited when it's bishops separated themselves from the Church. Nor does it hold fully to Apostolic teaching, much of which has been lost, distorted or added to. So in what way is the Catholic Church legitimate, and other schismatic/heretical groups are illegitimate?
Personally I would see such lables as misleading. As we proclaim in the Creed, there is only one legitimate Church (how Her borders are defined is another matter); you're either in or out.
Naturally, some are further from the truth than others, but I cannot see how you can differentiate between them by using words like 'legitimate' and 'illegitimate.'
thanks for correcting.
I did not say CULT...
I said SECT...
sect /sɛkt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sekt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a body of persons adhering to a particular religious faith; a religious denomination.
2. a group regarded as heretical or as deviating from a generally accepted religious tradition.
3. (in the sociology of religion) a Christian denomination characterized by insistence on strict qualifications for membership, as distinguished from the more inclusive groups called churches.
4. any group, party, or faction united by a specific doctrine or under a doctrinal leader.
2. a group regarded as heretical or as deviating from a generally accepted religious tradition
Simply because they broke away from Orthodoxy!!!!
This is how we SHOULD feel about Catholics
But we do not because they are HUGE and will kick our U KNOW WHAT.
by the way, that whole thing about the SUN and how for 3 days its "dead" and rises for one day....Is Not God controlling all this? Does God not choose when the sun rises and sets, and at the same time doesnt God use symbols and AWFUL LOT... Look at the book of Revelations, its ALL SYMBOLS... I personally find this video as Proof of the Living God, because God is using the earth in as many ways possible to show the world than Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He is symbolizing his life using the earth and the stars. We celebrate christmas and easter every year by Going to chruch... is it not Possible that the heavens celebrate Christmas every year by using the earth and the stars to almost replay Jesus birth , and death and ressurection?
But that assumption "....Is Not God controlling all this?" has not been proven. Nor will it ever be as you need faith in Christianity remember? It is an assumption or belief!!!
by the way, that whole thing about the SUN and how for 3 days its "dead" and rises for one day....Is Not God controlling all this? Does God not choose when the sun rises and sets, and at the same time doesnt God use symbols and AWFUL LOT... Look at the book of Revelations, its ALL SYMBOLS... I personally find this video as Proof of the Living God, because God is using the earth in as many ways possible to show the world than Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He is symbolizing his life using the earth and the stars. We celebrate christmas and easter every year by Going to chruch... is it not Possible that the heavens celebrate Christmas every year by using the earth and the stars to almost replay Jesus birth , and death and ressurection?
So if that is the case that
"God is using the earth in as many ways possible to show the world than Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He is symbolizing his life using the earth and the stars."
Why did we assist Constantine in persecuting the pagans who resisted our Christian enforcement?
Yes the Catholics use a different calendar only because their calendar is based on a pagan calendar.
if it's a pagan calendar then we're using the same one...than we're all pagansss..... ;D
ya habibi worry about what u belive, the truth and defend it. don't worry about others (catholics....)
Why did we assist Constantine in persecuting the pagans who resisted our Christian enforcement?
you are using Constantine as an person who connected christianty and paganism.
ya habibi he did what he had to do to keep everything under control. even thoo i don't even trust ur info about what u say.
i wouldn't think u'll make a great emperor or king one day.
Not Relevant. Who said I wanted to be one?
What with all the lying, cheating, stealing, selling out.
did I say lying?!?!?!
But that movie!!! HOW DO YOU ANSWER THAT???
someone take that knife out!!!
I did not say I know everything! that is why I am talking to you guys.
And another thing:
if the following:
Back then being baptised late was the pious thing to do for those introduced to Christianity in their adulthood. They would usually undergo comprehensive catechesis, sometimes into the decades, before undergoing baptism.
Is true. Then why dont we do it???????
I should additionally stress, albeit on an unrelated point, that this practice concerned those introduced to Christianity in their adulthood. Infant baptism was still very much the norm for those born of Christian parents.
If the right thing to do was to create a 'Christian' empire, how come Christ says:
"Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” John 18:36
All of that 'comprehensive catechesis' should have told Constantine at least that...
It consisted of three parts: religion, politics & money. I do not know why & who made this video, but clearly the bottom line of this movie is not about religion, rather its about money. I might be wrong, but here is my logic...
lets leave part 1 of the movie alone for now, and focus on part 2 & 3. Part 2 talks about the wars, WWI, WWII, 9/11 and the corrupt governments through out time. How Bush was having breakfast with Bin Laden's brother the morning of 9/11. How the government hides the video recording of the plane crash into the pentagon. The bombing of the ship to start the veteran war, etc... Maybe everything is true, but they are just trying to setup the viewer’s train of thought to part 3 of the movie which is basically: the corrupt government - being controlled by the central bank - goes into war for the sole profit of the central bank operators. Producing more money, creating more debt, creating profits to bankers. Where is religion in this picture now?
They bring religion into the picture only to authenticate their point of view. They start with religion to deceive the weak hearted people that they have the truth, they know what’s right and what’s wrong. Their main goal is to prove that the government is so corrupt that they are trying to use every level of its infrastructure to influence the people to believe what the "leaders" want them to believe. Thus, the government use religion, TV, media, games, shows, etc.. to mind control the society.
Personally, I do NOT agree that the government is using religion in any way, shape or form, because if in fact it was, then we should see America in a different state than it is now. Christianity would influence the society to become more Christian like not diverging from Christ!. To prove this, lets look at Austria, do we hear it goes into war every other day? do we hear about terrorist attacks every little bit happening? compare the percentage of alcohol consumption in the US vs. Austria, pornographic video production, strip clubs, etc...if you are wondering, here is a very small reason:
"Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture." - Australian Prime Minister John Howard.
Maybe I have said too much, but if the US government was in fact using religion to mind-control our society, then Christianity would definitely change a lot of things and Christ would then be able to drive this country onto the proper path. Also, as a silly note, college level English classes teach you to have the strongest paragraph at the end of your essay, to focus on your main point and restate your objective and thesis. Watch the end again closely. See how much they mention Christ compared to government, war & money. Only about 5seconds in a 4 to 6 min wrap up.
pray for me.
Well... strawberries and bannanas struck an accord with one another. During ripening the strawberries would be yellow.
Besides how do you know that Constantines righteousness was established fact? Are you Rabina to know the hearts of men???
Besides how do you know that Constantines righteousness was established fact? Are you Rabina to know the hearts of men???
one of the sources of our belife is the "Words of the fathers" which witnessed for king Constantine and as Iqbal said he is in fact a conanical saint in our church that is witnessed for by many.
what's in the heart is for God to and what is done through the heart and mind is what we see and in a way grant them the deserved respect.
Does anyone else see the irony here? You demand that we account for how we know that Constantine was a righteous man without being God, and thus, able to discern the hearts of man, and yet you have taken it upon yourself to refer to Constantine as 'Machiavellian'. Thus, I turn your own question against you:
Did he raise people from the dead?
Did he heal the sick?
Did he sell all of his belongings and give them to the poor?
How can you compare this politician to say... Baba Kyrolos (Not a match at all)
Look... They had to cannonize him, he stopped scores of Christians from getting murdered
Besides are we not all saints according to Saint Paul?
Did he raise people from the dead?
Did he heal the sick?
Did he sell all of his belongings and give them to the poor?
did u...... Pope Kerrolos is a Pope.
Constantine was a king who as i said before was witnessed for. and he found the cross of Jesus. yes we are saint. but are u doing the things that u listed above to really be a saint?!!!
because according to you to have to:
[quote author=elepti link=topic=5678.msg76023#msg76023 date=1187973639]
... raise people from the dead
... heal the sick
... sell all of ur belongings and give them to the poor
to be a saint.....rit?!!!
Oh I see, so politicians, according to you, cannot be righteous. I guess that means that men such as King David are not Saints by virtue of the fact that:
1) David was a politician
2) David did not raise the dead
3) David did not heal the sick
4) David did not sell all his belongings and give them to the poor.
You really should put some thought into what you write before you do so.
What... are you trying to tell me that Prophets are not Saints? John the Baptist, the link between the Old and New Testaments, was both a Saint and a Prophet. Again, think before you type.
Was David cannonized a saint? No!
HE WAS CANNONIZED A SAINT! Do ordinary Christians get cannonized as saints? No they do not. So why him?
A Christian is Christian. there is no ordinary and nonordinary. if a person is saint we'll all see it if God wants to. we have many ordinar christian that are sometimes more saintlly than many sints i've heard about...but they are just not femous becuase God just wants it that way.
[quote author=elepti link=topic=5678.msg76030#msg76030 date=1187974543] No, he was not a Saint, he was a Prophet.
lol...no you really out of.
David was a king, a prophet and a saint. For God's sake ya habibi.
God Himself said:
Acts 13:22
'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.'
1 Samuel 13:14
.. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you."
I think a canon from God in the bible is good enough...