Who wants to learn the Coptic language

edited December 1969 in Hymns Discussion
First of all I would love to thank the people who are working on that site ... God bless your work

I am just a beginner in learning Coptic language .. and i hope can make a Coptic language corner here .. that we can share our knowledge and share our problems too in learning this language .. and so on ...

I may want that because i was keeping some hymns by heart without understanding them ....

I hope you would accpet that as a suggestion .. so anyone who is excited to that and want to learn this language please put a reply supporting this idea ...

Or even if there is a team who is capable to teach the coptic language here ... i can be a small member of that team ... thanks

God bless




  • [quote author=Shady_Ishak link=topic=7047.msg93814#msg93814 date=1218783446]
    First of all I would love to thank the people who are working on that site ... God bless your work

    I am just a beginner in learning Coptic language .. and i hope can make a Coptic language corner here .. that we can share our knowledge and share our problems too in learning this language .. and so on ...

    I may want that because i was keeping some hymns by heart without understanding them ....

    I hope you would accpet that as a suggestion .. so anyone who is excited to that and want to learn this language please put a reply supporting this idea ...

    Or even if there is a team who is capable to teach the coptic language here ... i can be a small member of that team ... thanks

    do you really wanna learn coptic.....just attend coptic tasbeha....ALL THE TIME.
  • I want first to learn the language itself .. then keep myself understanding the hymns and the praise and so on .. i hope you got my point ..

    Thanks ...

  • good idea... i can read coptic but so slow and i want to read faster
    i support your idea
  • [quote author=minagir link=topic=7047.msg93815#msg93815 date=1218783608]
    [quote author=Shady_Ishak link=topic=7047.msg93814#msg93814 date=1218783446]
    First of all I would love to thank the people who are working on that site ... God bless your work

    I am just a beginner in learning Coptic language .. and i hope can make a Coptic language corner here .. that we can share our knowledge and share our problems too in learning this language .. and so on ...

    I may want that because i was keeping some hymns by heart without understanding them ....

    I hope you would accpet that as a suggestion .. so anyone who is excited to that and want to learn this language please put a reply supporting this idea ...

    Or even if there is a team who is capable to teach the coptic language here ... i can be a small member of that team ... thanks

    do you really wanna learn coptic.....just attend coptic tasbeha....ALL THE TIME.

    With a pocket dictionary (coptic-english), or with an Upsalmodia that's translated in Coptic to your own native language.

    I think u should also bring a pen and paper with u when U do the tasbeha also to take down notes during the praise - u know, if u happen to see words that u like, or u want to go back at a later date and understand what they mean.

    Good luck
  • a coptic -english pocket dictionary?
  • QT,

    why do you put a "U" in psalmodia?

  • [quote author=Amoussa01 link=topic=7047.msg93853#msg93853 date=1218957224]

    why do you put a "U" in psalmodia?

    Yes, I don't know why. I'm just stupid. I have my own ignorance driven agenda that I myself am unaware of.

  • What I meant by my subject here is that ..... I am ready to share my knowledge about the coptic language ... or if anyone here know the language we can make a team to teach our selves through our knowledge and also to let every body learn this langauge ..

    I hope you got me .. so anyone is interested .. please let me know ..

    Thanks ...

  • [coptic]Sadi pamenrit>
    ]meu`i je `fholj `n,ai aksantoi `mpekemi qen ]acpi `nrem`n<ymi neman - tenna[icbw ebolqen `nkeouon niben[/coptic]
    I think it is a nice thing to share your knowledge in the Coptic language with us - we will all learn from each other
    [coptic]er,rac;e `mpilexikon `nte `pcaq Hani :akla ete `k`sjemf qen `mma `nnat [/coptic]www.st-takla.org
    You can use the dictionary of Mr Hany Takla that you can find on the site www.st-takla.org
    [coptic]anon niben tenna[ihyou aretensancaji `ntennacpi emasw[/coptic]
    We will all benefit when we speak a lot of our language
    [coptic]V] efecmou erok ouoh viri eron qen nek`proceu,y
    God bless you and mention us in your prayers
    [coptic]oujai qen `P=[=c[/coptic]
  • [quote author=Shady_Ishak link=topic=7047.msg93869#msg93869 date=1219069747]
    What I meant by my subject here is that ..... I am ready to share my knowledge about the coptic language ... or if anyone here know the language we can make a team to teach our selves through our knowledge and also to let every body learn this langauge ..

    I hope you got me .. so anyone is interested .. please let me know ..

    Thanks ...


    i am in
  • good idea!!!!

  • yes, i too love this idea

    maybe we can all share what files we have, maybe what we have summerized or any notes that we have made
    we can also have sections too >> ('old' bohairic, greco-bohairic, sahidic, websites)
    and then we can catogrize them in a different way >> (grammer, words/vocabulary, alphabet)

    wow, i just realized that alphabet came from alpha and beta >> that is so cool

    but i think it will be very hard for the site cordinators because they have to do all the programing and things like that, we would probably have to contact them if we have anything to add (tell them what it is for and what is the source of what we are providing)

    i love this idea >> we can bring all of the sources in one place so we don't all have to search for everything rather we can all do parts >> that will be hard on the servers :( 

    i'm in but it is not like we have a say (it is just a suggestion >> overall, it is the coordinator who has control)
  • Our Diocese Deacons website has a special section for Coptic, containing some useful coptic lessons:

  • [coptic][glow=red,2,300][move] [coptic][coptic][coptic][coptic]i think it's a grate idea[/coptic][/coptic][/coptic][/coptic]![flash=200,200][/flash][/move]
  • [coptic]Ct Maria tamenrit>
    [i`nhyt tevwnh an `n]metAggelia e ]metrem`n<ymi e;be vai pe pi`n,ai `nnast ejen nibal[/coptic]
    Take care not to change the English to Coptic for this is something difficult for the eyes
    [coptic]V] efecmou ero ouoh aripenmeu`i qen ne`proceu,y[/coptic]
    God bless you and mention us in your prayers
    [coptic]oujai qen `P=[=c[/coptic]
  • I am very interested in a self paced course if available.

  • There are Coptic Language Conventions being held in Rochester, NY, at St. Shenouda Monastery.

    The upcoming ones are:
    November 27-30:  Coptic Praises Convention to learn the Midnight Praises/Tasbeha which is an opportunity to also build one's vocabulary in Coptic.

    December 26-30:  Coptic Language Convention to learn how to speak and pray certain prayers in Coptic

    If you would like to attend either one of these (or both), please contact br_antonious@frontiernet.net
  • Thanks for the proposition I hope many will have the chance to attend.
    I live in Egypt and won't be able to travel soon.

  • [coptic]Namenra] tyrou>
    aijimi `noury] e;nanef e;be pijin[icbw `nlac `nrem`n<ymi - ari`hmot `cqe `mpetenran eqoun paima`nnat@[/coptic] kame.danacbe.com [coptic]ouoh tetennajimi hanrwmi eu`cqai qen ]rem`n<ymi ouoh euermynin qen ]rem`nAggelia ie ]arapoc[/coptic]
    I found a good way for learning the Coptic language - please sign up your names into that website: kame.danacbe.com and you will find people writing in Coptic and translating in English or Arabic
    [coptic]oujai qen `P=[=c[/coptic]
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