According to your father confessor...but the hours are as follows:
6 a.m. Morning Prayers
9 a.m. Third Hour
12 p.m. Sixth Hour
3 p.m. Ninth Hour
5 p.m. Eleventh Hour
6 p.m. Twelfth Hour
9 p.m. 3 a.m. the three midnight prayers...each three h…
My dear brothers and sisters....
Look...things are not THAT bad....but I'm not saying it's rosy...far from it....however...not Decletyanos....:)
One more thing....why am I saying it's not that bad?? For a simple reason...most of the mod…
wow....may God bless all you get closer to him, and those who thus understand HIS love more....
You know what...does anybody here know of the Pope's first book, as a bishop, in the 70's...called..."The Release of the Spirit."? He said the exact sa…
"Bad friendship spoils good manners." This is not the exact translation, bas I know it in Arabic...sorry :-[
Hey Coptic21...welcome...sorry I didn't say that before....:)
How 'bout telling your father confessor? I mean...he's the most person who knows you anyways! If yuo don't have one...plz do! For many reasons (long stpry) but one of the minor ones is he's gonna be a friend that'll help you out in all this....
Well...if any one of you knows the book "Salvation in the Orthodox Faith>" by H.H. Pope Shenouda III...a very old and beautiful has a wonderful section on repentance, with of course the importance of confession after that...yaaaaaaa Rab… the Bible, or the whole Church for that matter, for saints only?'s for the poor people like me and you who struggle against their temptations to reach when the Bible says "God is Love" the meaning is that we ALL should …
Thanks...that's it...sorry...I need a complete overhaul when it comes to English in Christianity...
Oh and you put urself in a paradox:
"We can never describe love, because you can never describe love. "
loooooool ;D wake up will …
u're right...
as one of the fathers (but I don't remember who, said):
"The source of any true love in the world is the person's love to God..."
In HIS Name,
"Coptic Servant"
No...this phrase is in the Bible...I can't remeber where except it's in St. John's gospel...
Ya u're right...we might say the word love 10,000 times...and maybe even use it in a lustful way...but, if by God's grace, we, in our "kh…
ALL details...and remember..he's there to listen and absolute's either you're honest or you aren't...that's ur game :D
Good luck...
In HIS Name,
Look my dear friends....
In the Gospel of St. John (I think) is a very small yet VERY powerful verse..."God is love." So in a way, the question is already answered in the Bible... ;D lol....
However, it's a big topic because the …
Muslims try to do that here in EGYPT, and they won't find a baby to name! ;D ;D
Very can that happen?
Oh we say in Egypt here "eshna we shoofna" ;D ;D
It seems like they're "Neo-Muslims" like the new age fr… it didn't happen....bas I think in the first few minutes after waking up, we really don't know what is really real or not....faa I don't think that should count as "imagination coming true" but I'm not sure this is what you mean.....
The Pope does not tell lies to his children and is not afraid of anyone but God (remember Sadat's era?), and has on numerous occasions warned us of types of renegade people...
The sites you listed are NOT officially affiliated in…
Jeannie...I agree to all what you said...but these are not my personal judgements of course...these ar church doctrines...when I say such an act is "horrible," I say that to signify that it is a very wrong that may cost you your eternity.…
jeannie....marriage is a choice, made by God's grace through one's heart AND mind...but being born coptic isn't...:D
About being catholic and batism...plz read the fourth chapter from Paul's letter to the Effesusians (I don't excatly know their nam…
Bapitism is only once my friends....whatever happens....when they repent, their baptism still stands....and anyways...will always stand...this is God's beautifully merciful way....
In HIS Name,
I did paraphrase it from the Pope's many lectures on this topic, and from a memo he sent to his children abroad about this topic...and if I unintentionally plaigarized, sorry ;D
In HIS Name,
God works in many ways my friends...even through our mistakes...although it might soud strange...but after a horrible act as one stated here...that is getting baptized for sake of marriage, God will still try to get the couple to HIM....through show…
My dearest brothers and sisters,
Read the above posts...what I's not my opinion's also the Pope's (I naturally took it from him of course).
Be assured that God protects His church wherever it is....Amen...
In HIS Name,
True...but should we talk to them so as to see who's right and who's wrong? Are we in a philosophical debate?
The afort-mentioned saints were strictly adhered to the truth, whatever pain it caused them. They, however, did not intentionally try to h…
I am saying this because I live in Egypt and I know what I am's not "is this mine or not"...I am in the center of the events you guys are talking about, and mainly it's blown out of propotions....simple!
In HIS Name,
This is a first-hand account from someone in Egypt.....
All of this is absolute don;t believe me, see what the Pope has to say about this...or will he lie too? ;D
We here in Egypt are in one of…