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  • That recording is wonderful. Can you please let us know who recorded it? We would like to take to add this beautiful song and any similar songs they have and attribute it to them. Thanks
  • The live broadcast was out last weekend because of a problem with the company hosting Thankfully, this problem has been resolved and the live broadcasts will now work as usual.
  • Try logging out from the forum then log back in the forum and go to the text library. Let me know how it works for you.
  • Take a look at
    in linux Comment by mikesl February 2007
  • Try logging out then back in again.
    in help Comment by mikesl February 2007
  • Try logging out then logging back in. We're in the process of finishing up tweaking some final site settings. Let us know if this solved the problem for you.
  • Try reinstalling the FREE Real Player from
  • Try reinstalling the Java JRE from:
  • AghapyTV is available via the Telstar 6 satellite for the United States/Canada. To receive it, you'll need an FTA dish system (Free to Air) which includes dish and receiver. This is different than DirecTV and DishNetwork. Google FTA for more inform…
  • Walter Ewing Crum, A Coptic Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1939;
  • Try reinstalling RealPlayer, preferrable G2 or later.
    in read + play Comment by mikesl May 2006
  • Due to the hard work of some of our members, we have just added the Ascension Hymns Album by Ibrahim Ayad.
  • We have increased the size of our attachment folder, please feel free to reupload if you want.
  • Thanks for the link, we will defintly take a look into this.
  • Complete text in Coptic/English here:
    in ke eperto Comment by mikesl April 2006
  • See the following:
  • St. Paul puts it very simply in his epistle to the Corinthians: 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine hi…
  • Adam 1. One of the two types of melodies led in chanting the "Hymn (Tasbeha)." 2. It receives its name from the first word of the first verse of the Theotokon for Monday, "Adam again being sad..." 3. See "Watus." Watus 1. Coptic chanting…
  • Thanks for the great topic as we celebrate the joyous feast of Pentecost. Several posts have been deleted from this thread as they did not adhere to the topic of the thread.
  • All resurrection processional hymns can be chanted if there is enough time. Pashois Isos Pikhristos should be chanted.
    in question... Comment by mikesl June 2005
  • We encourage you all to leave a few words in remembrance of these members of our Coptic family.
  • Dear Lisa, Welcome to our site. The engagement ceremony is actually very short in the Coptic Church. Here's an outline of the ceremony: 1. Procession into church. 2. Declaration of the engagement by the priest. 3. Blessings in the name of the Hol…
  • Please refer to the news conference held by several of our church bishops two days ago. The news conference contains all the facts from the mouths of our church as opposed to the various rumors that have been ciculated both by the state-run press in…
  • For married couples, birth controls methods are accepted in the Coptic Church as long as they don't interfere with the pregnancy after conception. For us, anything after conception is considered an abortion which the church completely stands against.
  • Definetly same denomination, if you check with your priests about statistics on marriages not working out for people in denominations, you will be amazed. Also, same way of thinking about most things, and a close spiritual level.