***disclaimer: this topic is about our liturgical symbolism. If you don't care less or think I shouldn't care less and "should just pray", then don't bother commenting on this thread. I want to learn more about our liturgical tradition. Thanks guys
:)Does anyone know the colour scheme of the Coptic iconography? For example, we often see Christ in byzantine icons wearing a red garment (symbolizing His Divinity) covered with a blue/green shawl which symbolizes His Incarnation; while for the Virgin Mary the opposite colour scheme is in effect: blue underneath to symbolize her human nature and the red on top to symbolize how by Christ's incarnation in her womb, she was 'adorned/clothed' with divinity in the sense that Christ was born of/through her (while still remaining fully human of course).

In the Coptic icons, I often see that Christ wears a white garment underneath and then a red shawl-type garment on top, while the Virgin Mary is often clothed in red with a brown over-garment.What, if any, is the symbolism of this?

Of note is the classical/renaissance style coptic icons (which I love as well) of St. Mary with the crown on her head and in this icon she is wearing red underneath and blue on top.
Also, I've heard that the reason why Christ has one finger on his right hand blessing, is to explain the One Incarnate Nature and go in opposition to the supposedly byzantine Christ icons which might make his hands look like He is holding 2 fingers upwards to defend the 2 natures:human and divine; however the meaning of this sign is that He is signing out the name of Jesus Christ in letters (IC XC)...it has nothing to do with natures. So I was basically told that at some point there was a misunderstanding of this symbolism as Greek was used less in later centuries.
"His inner white robe (for purity) symbolizes His Divine nature while the red outer tunic (symbolizing blood) reveals His humanity."
"In this icon, the Virgin is on the right of Christ. She wears a red garment underneath her cloak signifying her royalty as the Psalm indicates: "..the glory of the daughter of the King is within..." (Ps. 44:13)."
...it doesnt explain the brown vesture, perhaps humanity?
Red- glory honor rich, sacrifice
white- purity, divinity
green- sin, and evil
blue- heaven/heavenly
brown- the ground, so humility
now you only have two icon posted in your post, which is of Christ... the other two are not icons but they are just mere pictures.
in Coptic icons, Christ during the time He's on earth, wears red and white, otherwise He only wears white, because He is the sacrifice to save the world, but after His
Resurrection, He has paid the sacrifice and does not need to be offered as a sacrifice anymore!
and will remain wearing white due to His divinity, and His purity.
now when saint Mary wears blue, it is a symbolic color resembling her as the second heaven, and she will wear red, due the fact that her Son is the sacrifice, also because she is
full of glory.... and she will wear brown, because she is from the ground but carried the heavenly who is full glory. also when she wear brown its usually over the red and the blue,
because even though she Carried God in her stomach, she still was humble and went and served Elizabeth in her house, so she didn't boast...
also about saint Mary, she will have three stars, one on the forehead and two on the shoulders, one is sometimes covered by Christ, and that is due to her being a virgin
before during, and after the birth of Christ.
now for the fingers... there are a few meanings... with the two fingers out He does show the IC XC...
but... here are more reasons... in the coptic icons, He puts the tip of the middle finger under the tip of the thumb... which means, each finger is split in three parts, so if you count
from the thumb, there is three, the index finger, there is three, and on for the tip of the middle finger... the total is seven... seven is the number of completion, so He is a complete,
or perfect ONE God (index finger) and complete father son and holy spirit (middle, ring, pinky fingers), one in three, and three in one, and each one is complete...
now if you do the same method... but to the ring finger the total will be TEN... ten is the number of blessing... also a cool fact of number ten, is the tenth letter of every alphabet is
the first letter of the name of Jesus in that language. so when He has the two fingers it is just for blessing... nothing about the natures! if you know HG David, you will find that he
says the final blessing while putting his two fingers out...
also a note about the fingers, the tips of the fingers have to touch, if they don't more than likely the icon is not orthodox....
Actually I do have 4 icons...the first icon of Christ is a classical rendition of the popular Byzantine theme "Christ blessing". Although it has a classical flair to it,
it is still an icon because of the colour scheme, Christ's hand blessing (IC XC=Isous Christos), the halo with the Cross in it to represent His Divinity,
and the 2 monograms around His head: IC and XC to mean 'Jesus' and 'Christ'. The other classical icon is of the Theotokos holding Christ. The other 2 icons are
the Coptic icons of Christ Enthroned and the Panagia/Theotokos Enthroned.
I didn't know that about the fingers split in the middle..thats interesting. Thanks again!
Thanks for the informative reply Superman! Ok that explains more of the Coptic perspective on icons, which is fairly similar to the Byzantine perspective.
Actually I do have 4 icons...the first icon of Christ is a classical rendition of the popular Byzantine theme "Christ blessing". Although it has a classical flair to it,
it is still an icon because of the colour scheme, Christ's hand blessing (IC XC=Isous Christos), the halo with the Cross in it to represent His Divinity,
and the 2 monograms around His head: IC and XC to mean 'Jesus' and 'Christ'. The other classical icon is of the Theotokos holding Christ. The other 2 icons are
the Coptic icons of Christ Enthroned and the Panagia/Theotokos Enthroned.
I didn't know that about the fingers split in the middle..thats interesting. Thanks again!
Please post pics! ;D
because of the affection between theSon and His Mother.
An early icon from St. Catherines in Sinai Egypt. The right side of the face of Christ (inverted) shows His mercy, love, and compassion,
with His right hand of blessing. The left side shows Him as Judge of all with the closed book (as it says in Revelation "the books shall
be closed.."). At this time, there is no more time to repent or follow the Gospel, hence the closed book.
It's one of the earliest intact Christ icons we have that was not destroyed by the iconoclasts in the 8th/9th centuries (who destroyed thousands
of icons thinking that they were worshiped rather than venerated).
others feel free to post more icons!
and Christ here is dressed as a (byzantine) bishop with elements from the royal court. Again the red robe (galabaya type dress)
he wears symbolizes His Divinity while the blue patterned cross garb over top again symbolizes His Humanity but also His role
as Priest (one wh offers and is the offered). The crown on His head symbolizes His eternal lordship and glory. The white 'badrashil'
type of cloth is what the bishop wears typically overtop which symbolzies his authority but it is also white to symbolize the sheep
being carried on the shoulders. Our bishops/patriarchs used to wear it as well until recently..I saw a photo of Pope Yusab wearing it.
The four creatures surrounding the throne of God symbolizes the 4 Evangelists and their Gospels: I remember the Gospel of St. Mark
symbolized by the lion, St. John's Gospel symbolized by the eagle because it highlighted the theology and divinity of Christ. The ox
represents the sacrificial nature of the Gospel (can't remember if it's Matthew or Luke...one of them spoke more about Christ as a sacrifice).
Does anyone know why there is a type of necklace threaded into the hair?
If you mean for Christ with the crown its supposed to be jewels hanging down from the crown...thats what the emperors used to wear.
Is there a reason why on the left side of the jeweled necklace there are two jewels and on the right side there is one?