the most beautiful part of the beautiful enthronement ceremony:
(the warmest greetings and support from the eastern orthodox alexandrian patriarch for our dear patriarch of our coptic orthodox church)

to the coptic and eastern orthodox patriarchs.
Can someone explain to me:
I thought that pope bartholemew was the head of the Greek Orthodox Church?
Is pope theodoros under him?
It's quite interesting that BOTH these popes not only share the same name, but they also share the same title. Maybe us and the Greeks will be united again???
The Greek Orthodox church has many primates, varying in title from Patriarch, Archbishop, and even Metropolitan. For example, the Greek Archdiocese in America is independent in many ways, and is ruled by Metropolitan Demetrios, while Greece itself is an autocephalous Church, ruled currently by Archbishop Ieronymous II....etc.
(warning: is so beautiful, you may cry...)
copied from here:,47866.45.html
(towards bottom of page)
On this blessed day, during which we celebrate the enthronement of our blessed and honored father, His Holiness Pope Tawadros the Second, on behalf of the holy synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the world, we present to you the successor of Saint Mark, the thirteenth apostle, the father of fathers, the archpriest and archbishop, Pope Tawadros the Second.
And my beloved, briefly, we remember our father, His Holiness, the reposed, Pope Shenouda III, whose fatherhood we shall not forget, in addition to his heritage, his leadership, his thought, his love, his zeal, and all his virtues, which we have received and shall pass on from generation to generation and unto the end of the ages.
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, who has passed from among us, has not left us orphans. He prays for us, and has given us his gift, one of his own children, upon whom he had placed his own apostolic hand, our beloved father, His Holiness Pope Abba Tawadros II.
For our church, my beloved, is a mother. She is not barren. She gives birth to generation after generation. And that which we have received from our ancestors and our saints, we pass on to the coming generations with complete honesty.
We have known His Holiness, our beloved father, Pope Tawadros, since his childhood. A tongue is not able to speak of him. In his childhood, he was a pure. In his adolescence, he was spotless and possessing a serving nature. In his monasticism, he was stringent and ascetic. In his episcopacy, he was zealous and revitalizing.
Therefore, looking forward with the eyes of hope, what he shall introduce will not be for the church of Egypt and the Coptic Church only, but also for the whole world. He shall introduce thought, a spirit, and a heritage full of zeal, and love for the church of God, and for Egypt and her people, her Muslims and Christians, her elders and her young, and her imams and her priests. He shall give these things to Egypt.
And we look ahead with the eyes of hope, that in the manner the Lord used him in past years, he shall use him again unto the end of the ages, O our beloved master.
We, on this joyous day, hand the church to His Holiness. And inasmuch as the Lord worked through us in the recent past to take the responsibility of the work [raucous applause and standing ovation by thousands interrupts], through your prayers and fasts, the Lord has done many great things with us until He brought us unto this blessed day.
My beloved, having taken on the responsibility of the church, we return to our diocese reduced in stature under the feet of His Holiness, our beloved father [the newly installed pope is reduced to tears, visibly shaken, as the congregants rise again to their feet and applaud for minutes. The large television screens clearly show the emotions on his face]
I say this from my heart: I shall be a son to him and a servant under his feet. And all of us in the Holy Synod, we believe in spiritual paternity. There is no conflict over authority in our church! [raucous applause]
We are the sons of Saint Mark and the many patriarchs until Pope Shenouda. We have learned humility from them. We learned penitence from them. We learned the service of the washing of feet from them. So our goal is only the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and His service.
I thank you, my beloved, for your cooperation with me. I thank my fathers, their graces, the metropolitans and bishops, who labored much with us. The many committees who were formed to bring us to this blessed day.
Many of the beloved – the Holy Synod, the lay councils, the endowment department, the committee for papal candidates, the committee for registrants, the committee for appeals, the committee for elections, the lawyers, the scouts – we offer our appreciation and love to all of them. I wish to thank each one by his or her name, but we lack time.
there is a translation of the words somewhere, i forget where, but the video of what i wanted to post is here:
Patriarch Bartholomew is the Patriarch and Archbishop of Constantinople. Note that he is not called "Pope". Only three hierarchs have that title: the Greek Orthodox Primate of Alexandria, our own Coptic pope, and the Pope of Rome. Patriarch Bartholomew is not considered above Patriarch Theodoros or any other EO patriarch, he is only "first among equals", and is granted the title Ecumenical Patriarch. The word Ecumenical in this sense should only be understood in its historical context as the patriarch of the imperial city (since in Byzantine times, the oecumene, or the world, was understood as the expanse of the empire itself, not the entire earth). So in short, the title Ecumenical does not really mean he has authority over any other bishop or patriarch's jurisdiction, but that he is the patriarch of the city that was the seat of the emperor.
The Greek Orthodox church has many primates, varying in title from Patriarch, Archbishop, and even Metropolitan. For example, the Greek Archdiocese in America is independent in many ways, and is ruled by Metropolitan Demetrios, while Greece itself is an autocephalous Church, ruled currently by Archbishop Ieronymous II....etc.
God is Good!!!
How great to witness such godly love!
Tawadros is also a popular Ethiopian Orthodox name! Something for everybody!
I saw Patriarch Bartholomew on 60 Minutes lamemting the empty chairs in the Constantinople Seminary School. I hope and pray the classes are full now and we keep moving forward in the wisdom and knowledge of God!!!
to the coptic and eastern orthodox patriarchs.
Could there be any more obvious sign that the orthodox churches are all one?
Human politics seems to be the only thing that separated the churches.
I actually think it is a good thing that they have their pope. It would be difficult for the Coptic pope to be in charge of congregation in even more countries. Different languages and cultures makes communication difficult.
I actually think it is a good thing that they have their pope. It would be difficult for the Coptic pope to be in charge of congregation in even more countries.
'Their pope' is only in charge of Africa; our pope is only in charge of his diocese (=Cairo and Alexandria + areas with no diocesan bishop).
'Their pope' is only in charge of Africa; our pope is only in charge of his diocese (=Cairo and Alexandria + areas with no diocesan bishop).
Our Pope is in charge only of his diocese in Egypt (his diocese is not all the Egypt).
Greek Pope is the first among equals and he has no authority (except honour) over other bishops in Africa.
For example there is bishop Kallinikos of Pilosiun (the diocese of Pilousion has in its jurisdiction the areas of Port Said, Mansoura, Damiette and Kantara. See: Port Said - Egypt), Bishop Proterios of Ptolemais (the diocese of Ptolemais includes in its jurisdiction the area of Upper Egypt, Luxor, Aswan, Minia, Fayum, Asiut and Beni Suef. See: Minia - Egypt), bishop Gabriel of Leontopolis (the diocese of Leontopolis has in its jurisdiction the areas of Ismailia, Suez and Zagzik in Egypt. See: Ismailia - Egypt).
So Greek Pope is not in charge for Port Said, Luxor, Minia, Suez... but their bishops.
Συνάντηση Πατριάρχη Αλεξανδρείας με τον Κόπτη Πατριάρχη
Η ΑΘΜ ο Πάπας και Πατριάρχης Αλεξανδρείας και πάσης Αφρικής κ.κ. Θεόδωρος Β΄ δέχτηκε, κατά την κυριώνυμο ημέρα της Γεννήσεως του Θεανθρώπου, τις εόρτιες ευχές του Κόπτη Πατριάρχη κ.κ.Θεόδωρου Β΄, επ΄ ευκαιρία της πρώτης επισκέψεως του νέου Προκαθημένου των Κοπτών στην Πατριαρχική Επιτροπεία του Καΐρου...
i have saved the first one to my newly repaired laptop (have not been on line for a while since damaging it!).
according to google translate, they were meeting on the occasion of the feast of the nativity this year (new calendar).
lovely pics!
i have saved the first one to my newly repaired laptop (have not been on line for a while since damaging it!).
according to google translate, they were meeting on the occasion of the feast of the nativity this year (new calendar).
Yes, I hope they will post English translation on the web page soon.
Patriarch Theodoros (Coptic) went to a first visit to Patriarch Theodoros (Greek).
His Beatitude, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All of Africa, Kyrios Theodoros II accepted on the [blessed] day of the birth of the God-Man, the feast wishes [congrats or warm wishes] of the Coptic Patriarch Kyrios Tawadros II, in the occasion of the first visit of the new primate of the Copts in the Patriarchal [residence or HQ] of Cairo.
Their meeting took place in a very warm climate and in the presence of many representatives of the Egyptian media, an example of the honor and respect which is experienced by the second most important Patriarchate in Orthodoxy in the land of the Nile.
Welcoming the Coptic Patriarch, His Beatitude expressed to him his joyous and sincere feelings for his visit, hoping in the new patriarch a patriarchy of good fruit for the benefit of the Coptic Egyptian people. Likewise, his beatitude discussed the historical relations of the two churches and their common interest for the progress of all Egyptian citizens, regardless of religious confession. He also elaborated in detail the varied apostolic/missionary work of the Patriarchate from one end of the African continent to another, not leaving to invite/call upon the Coptic Patriarch to the work of the Alexandrian throne.
From his side, the Coptic Patriarch expressed also his happiness for this first meeting with the Alexandrian primate, especially on the commemoration of Christ's birth. He also expressed his optimism for the further strengthening of the relations of the two churches, on the foundation of love of others and mutual understanding. Finally, he hoped that oneness of mind would prevail in Egypt, the land in which the Holy Family walked.
Here's Google's version:
MEETING OF THE NEW Beatitude Patriarch of the Coptic
The Beatitude the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa Mr. Theodore B conceded at kyrionymo day of the Nativity of Christ, the feast wishes Coptic Patriarch Theodoros II, on the occasion of the first visit of the new Primate of the Patriarchal Guardianship Coptic Cairo.
Their meeting took place in a very warm climate and presence of many representatives of Egyptian media, sample assessment and respect enjoyed in Neilochora Defterothrono the Patriarchate of Orthodoxy.
Kalosorizontas the Coptic Patriarch, His Beatitude expressed his sincere Joyful feelings about this visit, wishing the new Primate kallikarpo patriarchy in favor of the Coptic Egyptians flock. Meanwhile, the Archbishop referred to the historical relations between the two churches and the public interest in the prosperity of all Egyptian citizens regardless of religious confession. Not developed in detail the multifarious missionary work of the Patriarchate from end to end of the African continent, making sure to invite the Coptic Patriarch Throne headquarters in Alexandria.
On his part, the Coptic Patriarch and he expressed satisfaction at this first meeting with the Alexandrian Primate particularly during panygiriki Christmas Day. He expressed his optimism for further strengthening relations between the two churches, the axis of altruism and mutual understanding. Terminally wished for peace to prevail in Egypt, the country where he marched the Holy Family.
I've always known it. Through God's grace, Ramez is mightier than the Mighty Google.
κυριος ος εξειλατο εμάς εκ χειρος του λεοντος και εκ χειρος της αρκου αυτος εξελειται εμάς εκ χειρος του Γοογλου του απεριτμητου μέσω Ραμεζ
For those who do not know Greek: P[oic vyetafnahmen `ebol qen `tjij `mpimoui nem `ebol qen `tjij n]laboi `n;of efenahmen `ebol qen `tjij `mpiGoogle `natcebi `ebolqen Ramez
To be honest, I did enter some words into Google. My Modern Greek vocab at this point is somewhere around 80-90% of this article. Yes, Google is awful with huge chunks of text, but it could be really helpful with single words or clauses, and it really helps if you already understand the syntax of the language. I did notice that Google failed to translate some words and constructions that to me seemed somewhat archaic. I think Google is set to understand Demotiki (the standard spoken and written Greek) and not anything close to Katharevousa (the archaic Greek that used to be the standard until a few decades ago). Maybe an article written on the official patriarchate website uses some archaic/classic constructions that are not longer part of every day speech. Anywho, as I continue in my Modern Greek classes, hopefully I will need Google less often :)