Hey everyone. Well I thought id share this with you guys.


It's a video that questions our faith and calling God Imaginary. I think you guys might be interested to see how the devil triumphs but with our faith, he can never conquer.
:)There are also many other disturbing videos, but i think these two are the most aggressive.
so i just finished watching this video and im outraged. how can a man have so much to talk so much about God, its so blasphemous ahhh i wanna go to this guys house and like baptize him! lol but yea the devil is doing some serious work on this guy and i cant believe that people would have the thought of doing something like that, they'd rather think there was a random explosion and the earth came to be, and that aliens do exist and work so hard to prove that but when it comes to believing in our God, the coward away
I've just wasted 10 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. That has got to be the biggest waste of time I have ever seen (even more than Borat was).
Just thought this subject line would be a little more 'appropriate'.
i think she did this to show us a point--there are so many idio** out there
sorry for that
[quote author=Κηφᾶς link=topic=5369.msg71499#msg71499 date=1180382485]
[coptic]+ Iryny nem `hmot>[/coptic]
I've just wasted 10 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. That has got to be the biggest waste of time I have ever seen (even more than Borat was).
and this:
[quote author=Hos Erof link=topic=5369.msg71498#msg71498 date=1180381299]
I just wrote a long post refuting one of the "rational arguments" that is presented in the first video. However, for some reason the window closed, and I really can't be bothered to re-type it, it's not even worth the time. Just assume from me that it's absolutely non-sense what this guy says.
was said, ..... i wont bother watching the videos. thanks for saving me 10 mins of my life.... :)
Just one question which rather tends to agree with what you both say - 'why would anyone want to spent 10 minutes watching this instead of praying?'
Just a thought!
In Christ,
and u don't need to be a smart person to answer him... im not smart and i can knock down each argument without creating a strange excuses for God
Just out this guys name so i can pray for him
i commented on the video and the other ppl's comments were the same that man is sick
These people start with a faulty premise, taken rudely out of context, combine it with their primitive lack of understanding of theology, and make complete fools out of themselves. The problem is very obvious in their logic, which consists of simple "if-then" reasoning. The "if" statements they provide are trite oversimplification of theological concepts they can't begin to fathom. There are so many ridiculous inconsistencies in their "facts" and lucidity-repellent arguments that it is a waste of time to list any.
I suspect the best thing we could all do is to pray for this man, and for the many like him. Whilst Our Lord brings peace and love and salvation, this man, and others, bring nothing but tired old arguments that have been around at least since Celsus wrote in the second century A.D. There is nothing new to be said from the atheist position. Those who believe that abolishing religion would make for a happier world should remind themselves that the old USSR was officially atheist; that didn't seem to make people a whole lot happier! The Nazis were also very critical of religion and tried to replace it with their own beliefs; again, not really proof that people are happier or the world a better place without religion.
All we can really say is that every civilization we have knowledge of has always had religion; man is a worshipping animal, so to say; the appearance of the Incarnate Word provides us with a direction for that worship. A world in which the words of the Sermon on the Mount were really put into practice would be a better one than has so far existed. If some of these people really knew something about Christianity, they would not say what they say.
So, I would say we pray that this man might be saved from his own delusions. But I would also recommend that no one waste time on it.
In Christ,
ok perhaps its not a waste of my time but i really think that this guy has just gone out of his way to find 10 SIMPLE REASONS to TRY to explain why the bible contains non sense or why we should not believe in God every qestion he has said is the qestion of the world and remins in it he will never understand unless God shows him the mercy to unfortunately for him his heart is in the wrong place. if man had his mentality we be long extinct. may GOD have mercy on his soul bring to the truth.
and everything he said we as "intelliegent people" should remember count not ourselves as him who asks these qestion and does nothing about it sure we should all look into it and be of help any time possible especially the kids outside and those who hunger eg. sponsoring kids/orgainsations online. and involving ourselves in programmes of help apart from our normal christain lives
It seems my response has caused more of a raucous then I had intended. People, take a chill pill, some of you are an overly sensitive bunch. As such, I will address you each in turn.
I don't think, anywhere in my post, I implied that marmara327 was being disrespectful. If you could point it out to me, I would appreciate it. The fact of the matter is, the video posted is not at all worthwhile, and I still stand by that claim. Now, I'm certain marmara327 was very sincere in posting these videos and would truly like to know how to respond to it. However, having viewed it, I came to the same conclusion as EpNomos EnTaio did. I just was not as verbal in expressing it as he was. Rather, I turn to sarcasm to express my distaste; call it, a personality flaw.
Some 'wordly desires', as you put it, are more worthwhile, and thus, worth the 10 minutes you put into them. This is not the case with the first video.
He Wept,
Last I checked, this was an open internet forum, in which individual views could be expressed. If I choose to say a particular video is a waste of time, I am certainly entitled to it. If you disagree, feel free to say so, but do not tell me what I can or cannot post. If you do not understand a particular statement I have made, please articulate it in a fashion in which further dialogue can be carried out.
And I don’t think it deserves that much attention. Who ever did this video is just another atheist who can’t back up his athleticism except by talking about other religions which he doesn’t know anything about. To me it’s really not a surprise in anyway just another lost sheep .very lost sheep in other words.
Now if you wasted time on this video and have more time to waste, there are videos that answer to this video proving him wrong about what he is said in it about Christianity and God.
I note with interest the way this atheist manages to spread discord even here; truly it is the work of the Evil One.
As Κηφᾶς rightly says, this is a site where free expression is encouraged; how unlike what our critics say of us. We know, as Christians, that we have nothing to fear from the Truth - for He is also the Way and the Life.
By their fruits ye shall know them, indeed. How sad that any child of God should wish to do something that can bring nothing but conflict and dissent into the world God made good for His children. Let us all pray that this man will repent of his sins and find God, who longs to hear of his repentance and will rejoice over any sinner saved.
In Christ,
I hope he would like to know the truth but perhaps he is just not ready to listen yet.
No one has to answer any of his negative questions (astonishingly he attempts to answer them for us!!). He is lacking a great deal of knowledge in history, sciences and clearly in Judaism and Christianity.
One thing I remember he said was very alarming, like: I defy any one on all the Earth to collect and build a complete Ford car etc sounds like he's the alien doesn't it?
Thank you marmara327 for waking me up! It's important to be aware of these highly distributed clips, they may unfortunately impress some of the listeners, God forbid.
He is too arrogant towards God. He is driven by his faith in science, it's his religion; otherwise why would he attack Jesus Christ this way?
I hope he would like to know the truth but perhaps he is just not ready to listen yet.
No one has to answer any of his negative questions (astonishingly he attempts to answer them for us!!). He is lacking a great deal of knowledge in history, sciences and clearly in Judaism and Christianity.
One thing I remember he said was very alarming, like: I defy any one on all the Earth to collect and build a complete Ford car etc sounds like he's an alien doesn't it?
Thank you marmara327 for waking me up! It's important to be aware of these highly distributed clips, they may unfortunately impress some of the listeners, God forbid.
ya habibi it's very easty to summerize all of you said in one word, 'Atheist'.
That may have seemed to be put in great sarcasm, but it wasn't. ;)
i did not mean disrecpeftul, but she was not trying to waste your time i watched this video and it made me feel proud to br Christian and to believein God.
sry if my words were wrong
I know you had the best of intentions when you posted those videos. I really did not mean to come across as sounding that you purposefully tried to waste people's time, so shame on you. I just felt that after watching the first video, my time could have been better spent doing something else (like reply to this forum ;)). Having said that, you said you wanted to show how actively the devil is working. My question to you is: does this surprise you? While the internet is certainly a thing that has brought about a lot of good (the sharing of information, the connecting of people seperated by great distances, etc.), it should not come as a surprise that the devil is also making the most of it and using it for evil. Just as God is spreading His Word on the internet, the devil is also spreading his.
I'm glad that this video has done some good for you. I wish I could say it has done the same for me.
but lets just pray :)
I think we have agreement that this clip is not worth watching and that the man in it is saying nothing that any one of us wishes to hear; he is also saying nothing that some of us are not bored rigid with hearing again and again from atheists; if they are so sure of their view why are they so bothered by something which they say doesn't exist? Perhaps they are not really so sure and so speak loudly to drown their own fears and doubts?
It would seem unwise to watch this clip. But let us remember, in our anger, that we are called to love the sinner and to hate only the sin; I still think we should pray for this man and that enlightenment and peace should come to him.
In Christ,
After reading some of the comments I found he and a few others of same "type" not only attack the Lord but also badly attack the Lord's St Apostles and Disciple St Paul.
These people never heard of "Intelligent Design".
"Nature will find a way" from the well known Jurassic Park.
Does nature think or is it by itself intelligent?
Happens in real life too:
These people are, I think, rather sad in many ways. If they don't believe, well that's their business I suppose - but why try to upset the faith of others? What is really going on here? Is it that they feel less alone if they can shake others?
I haven't got much time for atheism, but frankly I don't give it much thought, don't care about it, and would not dream of spending any time attacking it - why bother? I know it's wrong, and I know there's no convincing those who don't want to be convinced - waste of time and breath. So why do these guys keep banging on about Christianity. I note they don't have a go at Islam - perhaps they are aware of the likely result?
No, I think if you go on about something to that extent, you're probably fighting with something inside yourself that is telling you you're wrong. So I pray he will find enlightenment and peace and the love of God; he'd be happier than he is now.
In Christ,
I have to say, that they guy is right that the world often doesn't make sense, but I also really don't think that if we take all religion away from every society that "logically" the world would also become devoid of crime or turn into an Utopian society. I probably took this out of context, but hey, so did he.
Taylor (a half humanist)
It is interesting to note that both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia rejected religion - the societies which they created were not ones most people would want to live in.
What Our Faith teaches us is that it is human nature, in its fallen state, that creates sin in the world - so whether you have a religion or not is irrelevant to the existence of evil; whether you are an Orthodox Christian or not is relevant to the salvation from sin. Only through the encounter with the Risen Lord through the sacraments of the Church and the Grace of God are we enabled to fight against sin and to begin the healing process.
In Christ,