Hey Guys,
I have a cassette of an Ethiopian mass (oda 7abashey) recorded by abouna estafanous rizk (القمص أسطفانوس رزق), but my car doesn't take cassettes any more
:(So I was wondering if anyone had an MP3, or other digital form of this amazing liturgy!?
Or any liturgy by abouna estefanous (he sounds soo... heavenly!!)
does anyone know if the pope allows priests to pray this liturgy, as far as i know abouna estefanous is the only Coptic priest to ever record it.
Here are bits and pices of the liturgy:

God Bless,
I have the CD, i was able to get it from my Church Library,
so check there first...
If you can't, i will try to find a way to upload it or send you a copy...
Coptic Pharaoh
Every time I've had a tarneema/hymn/liturgy on youtube but wanted the audio file instead, I've found this site extremely helpful: http://www.video2mp3.net/
You just paste the youtube url, it converts it to mp3, then you can download it and either add it to your ipod or put it on a cd. It's worked for me every time.
or did i misunderstand you?
btw i love the eritrean liturgy, i went to the eritrean orthodox church and it was awesome.
:) :) :)
i think it's (nearly) the same as the ethiopian one.
I was talking about Coptic priests utilizing liturgies outside of the three mentioned. There was an English translation of the 14 Ethiopian Liturgies from the 50's that gained into popular presence. One liturgy especially, the one liturgy that focuses on the Virgin Mary (al-koddas el-Maryami) began to become popular in use.
In the 70's and 80's there was a trend for some Coptic priests to utilize them. His Holiness made a very strong statement in the late 90's against such use.
On a personal basis, people may listen to what they wish.
1. The simple answer: 'We have beautiful Liturgies of our own that encompass so many aspects.' [paraphrase]
2. Tradition: The movements of the Ethiopian Liturgy are different from the Coptic; certain things would not fit in.
3. Translation: H.H. does not think that there is enough fullness in the translations.
4. Practical: How can you keep track of so many Liturgies.
5. Practical: We do not have the resources to go in depth in review and translation of these Liturgies.
I happen to have a copy of that book with the fourteen Liturgies. They are very poetic and beautiful. I do not think I am an expert to be doing any sort of major comparison, review, or translation from Geez.
The answers above, are from a series of comments by His Holiness at various meetings. I do not have any specific reference.
In terms of the Liturgy of St. Mary (El-Maryami), there was a growing trend to using it during the Fast & Feasts of the Virgin Mary. I believe there are CD's for the reposed Hegumenos Fr. Bishoy Demetrius of St. Mary in East Brunswick, NJ that were recorded conducting the Maryami Liturgy. [If anyone is interested].
In terms of the Liturgy of St. Mary (El-Maryami), there was a growing trend to using it during the Fast & Feasts of the Virgin Mary. I believe there are CD's for the reposed Hegumenos Fr. Bishoy Demetrius of St. Mary in East Brunswick, NJ that were recorded conducting the Maryami Liturgy. [If anyone is interested].
that is so.....i have that liturgy on tape....
actually i remember having a HUGE argument with an Ethiopian deacon here on the forum about this and it didn't end in a good way......he started going crazy for no reason...he even started disrespecting Fr Peter in many inappropriate ways...ways that can't fit a normal lay person but he was saying them to a priest.
You have to get on the tech. bandwagon and go CD.
You have to get on the tech. bandwagon and go CD.
hehe....you're telling me this. i am known to be mina "tasgeel"....it's just the time.