Ikhristos Anesty!!! Alithos Anesty!!!
Happy Ascension Feast!!!
Here is a picture of our church in syracuse (www.stsmaryandmina.com) and the ascension. May its blessings be upon us all.
"I am ascendin…
The forum of pix so I could not post up the Anba Pishoy picture. However, I made a link to it from my website that I have not yet started building:
Grace and peace.
Here is Anba Wanas. Another great saint! I believe you still asked for Anba Pishoy? God willing, I will make one for him soon. And, I have no talent, it is only what the Lord bes…
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is St. Marina the Ascetic. It is very nice to hear about all these saints that we do not hear much about. It gives …
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sorry for the late reply and post of the picture, study has been picking up lately... but not a day went by that I did not think of …
Pope Kyrollos VI Pic #2
pray 4 us,
+ j + r + St. Mary & St. Mina + Syracuse, NY +
"And whatever you ASK in PRAYER, BELIEVING, you shall RECEIVE." (Matthew 21:22)
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pope Kyrillos VI.
I made two pictures, I am not sure which you like it better. I hope the verse is okay also.
I am still working on St. George.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is a combo of the 2 pix I just made. I will work on the Pope Kyrillos and Mar Girguis now. All I ask is that you please pray for m…
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I was not sure what verse you wanted. However, I decided since she always gaurded herself with Christ so that the devil could never co…
I was looking around this many blessed pictures and found a picture to add to the one I just made! :)
Also, thank you for all of you who continue supporting our small and blessed congregation in Syracuse, NY through the bracelet donations! (www.cop…
I just put this picture together because I like the poem (Footprints in the Sand) and could not find a picture with Jesus holding me, so I figured to combine two pix in one! God bless.
Dear Coptic Servant,
Peace and grace.
Thank you for all this great help. Sorry I am late in my reply. The best way to reach us is
[email protected]
Please let me know a few things:
1.) I…
Thank you CrazyCopt. God willing, your bracelets will be sent out on Thursday. Also, CopticServant, if you collect the names of the individuals in your church that make an order and sent them to us: in…
Sure. The $2 a bracelet is only a suggested donation. You could donate as much as you want. As the website states, the first $19,000 raised will go to help our church in order to have priests to conduct li…
Dear CopticServant,
Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you very much for all that you and your congregation are doing. Please also thank Abouna Younnis for us. To …
Grace and peace.
Here is an order form for anyone who wants to take the responsibility of placing orders in their church. Or to give it to someone who can. God bless all of you.
Pray for us,
+ john r…
Dear Coptic Servant,
Grace and peace.
Thank you for this kind act. That is the way to do it. When we visit a church, before we distribute, we ask of the permission of the priest. You can also let him …
Dear brothers & sisters,
Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for taking interest in these bracelets. Thank you also for spreading the word. My name is John Roufaiel and I am a member from this Syrac…