I know this is an internet forum, so rushing to judgment is pretty much a prerequisite, but if anyone would have clicked on the second link and actually read the article, it says that Pope Francis didn't say that sentence at all. The New York Times …
I may have some of those tapes. I recently converted them into digital format. They're not labeled very well so they are going to need some sifting through however.
Just to add to the conversation, Coptic Reader posted on facebook about having only the Annunciation responses as opposed to all three. "...in keeping with the original church rite of the 29th of the Coptic
month, the service should be conducted as…
I couldn't find an unmodified version of the prayers, but here is the decision from the synod that says what was removed. I would love if someone could post an unmodified version of the prayers too for the sake of comparison:
In the meeting of 29/5…
I don't think childofaking is trying to complicate things. He/she is just asking for the translation of the arabic title for a priest. Maybe they want to write his name formally in a publication.
His title would be Reverend Fr. ____ as Mina said. …
So usually, when a novice first enters the monastery, they wear blue cassocks. Then after a period of time, they move to the white cassock. My understanding is that the blue cassock is representing their very early life as a novice, and the whi…
It's funny you use the example of the omission of parts of the creed. You are right in saying that this was changed by they synod. But, actually, fairly recently, I heard that this was changed again, and the synod ruled that the practic…
The reason is that the rites for a wedding change during the holy 50 days. For example, the beginning and ending procession would be "Ekhristos Anesti" as opposed to "Ep Ouoro" and "Shere Maria." The hymn "Pi epnevma" at its origin is a hymn about t…
Yes we do have those responses and complied them into a book.
Here's the link to the website if you or anyone you know is interested in ordering Ifahmy:
I have a few recordings of the hymn. One from the Heritage and one that I actually do not know who the cantor is. I can send you the file and if you recognize him, please let me know so I can properly label it.
Something interesting to note, the c…
Without getting too technical, God can't die. He is the source of life. When we speak of Christ dying, He is only able to die because He became man. His divinity, united in essence with the Father before all ages is eternal and immortal. Many of the…
God does not change. It is not that God regretted making the earth. What kind of God who knows the future would regret an action? But rather, the verse puts in human terms what was happening. How God is acts towards human kind changes from our persp…
hahah I knew that the video and subsequent conversation would be loaded, but, to be fair, my knowledge of Dr. Bebawi is limited, so I figured if I commented on the video, I would initiate a little dialogue that would enlighten me.
I thought this was pretty interesting, but it was a bit scattered and he never really took the opportunity to completely flesh out any of his arguments. In particular I was interested in his discussion on canon law both the fact that he feels they a…
As a few of you have referred to, there are in fact responses for every single Gospel said throughout the year. We recently published a book that includes the Sunday vespers, matins, and liturgy responses.
Mina I think you got one of the books, ha…
I don't think you're going to find a pdf version of this. They have it on Coptic Reader if you need a soft copy, but my guess is that if they are selling it on Coptic Reader and in bookstores, they are not going to have the pdf available for general…
Great to hear and we look forward to any comments! This was an effort that took quite some time and consisted of many different parts. If there is any way the book can be improved we would love to hear it as we are working on translating other secti…
Actually, our church is not part of the Southern Diocese. We had H.G. review it because a number of the people working on the book studied at his seminary in Titusville. We hope to have the contents of the book make its way to Coptic Reader, but are…
[quote author=Sem Sem link=topic=14644.msg166154#msg166154 date=1380814076]
Is it available in Egypt?
We could possibly ship to Egypt, although for it to make sense for you, I would see if you could find a number of people who would like t…
That's really interesting. While we've been using the gospel responses for a few years, we have only had access to Tarteeb el Beya. Where could I find the Sunday gospel responses by Mallan?
You are right, there were areas of the book in the Coptic …
Great! I sent you a reply, if you know anyone else interested just have them email us contact@wiscopts.net
We are really hoping to get this book to every church so that the responses are used.
The book covers all the Sunday Gospel Responses for the year including lent and the Holy Fifty days. The feast of the Ascension is celebrated on Thursday and therefore was not including in this volume. God willing, we are beginning to translate and …
Not every person considered a saint in the church is mentioned in the synaxarium. While the synaxarium is a book of the stories of the saints, it is not all inclusive.