i had a little message exchange with daniel kyrillos and we think that the writers were using the term as the greek philosophers (e.g. plato) used it, not in the gnostic sense.so that is the same conclusion as yours.
great question.(very) simple answer:there are 2 types of bowing down to God.1. worshiping God - can do it when entering church, when arriving home, when waking in the morning and saying 'hi' to God, basically at any time, whether fasting or not.we c…
hi sis, i will write you a personal message, but here are some general principles:1. life (whether single, married or monastic) is a place where you can prepare for heaven.there are evil forces to resist (temptation to sin, to despair etc.) and bles…
i don't think anyone is still active from the discussion!you cd send a personal message to either of the minas who are good at hymns (one is an admin) - minatasgeel
hi daniel kyrillos, pls send me a PM with details of where it is in songs (i think it is better to discuss off the main forum).i know that the gnostic concept of it is certainly not orthodox.thanks a lot,mabsoota:)
ah, maybe it is a translation problem.there is certainly no more sacrifice, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ died and resurrected once only. but saint paul says in the letter to the hebrews, chapter 7, verse 25:therefore He is also able to save to …
for the subtitles, click on the 'watch on you tube' link after clicking on the link.that way you can play it with the sound off if you need to :)you also get free adverts (today i got the american chinese ballet advert)
interesting. i would go along with some of that, but ceasing to be human seems to be a bit extreme. i think the standard orthodox position would not agree with that.but i don't have a theology degree, i have just done a few courses for church servan…
that is very clear.it is beyond my theological level to comment further though!i have taken Holy Communion in the armenian orthodox church in london, it was a lovely visit :)
thanks a lot for that. i have some information from pope matta 4th also.i will reply to your personal message and we can exchange documents by email if you like.i have a translation of the passage you quoted and it goes further on to say:'And just a…
may God comfort you and give your relative peace in the paradise of joy.
i wonder if part of the problem is the way we perceive social media.i once had a fb account (back in 2010, yes i am that old!) for several months and had started wasting a lot …
you need to sign in to see this.can you post the relevant parts that you wish to refer to?thanks:)
top tip - go to church and take the blessed body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and that will help you to understand it (don't use only your brain…
thanks a lot, i have copied this reference to my list of resources:)which church are you from?i am from the coptic orthodox church in britain.i have been orthodox for 16 happy years:)
(that is why i chose the name 'mabsoota' - it means 'happy' in ar…
1 more source:http://prescottorthodox.com/visitor-posts/the-bible-of-the-early-church/the septuagint had more references that pointed towards Jesus Christ being the messiah, so they were later altered by the jews who wrote the masoretic text, e.g.“P…
more about the septuagint from these 3 sources:https://orthodoxwiki.org/Septuagint
What many peop…
hey, long time no 'see', how are you?sorry have been busy last 2 weeks with guests, so very limite internet activity.it is crazy to hear that some say the septuagint is not quoted!:-Ofor example the wisdom of solomon 5: 17-20 has a lot of similariti…
that's lovely, are they officially saints?i have seen abouna pishoy's movie, it is lovely.he was very humble and loved the Lord God a lot.and abouna yostos was was also very humble, we have a lot to learn from him.may God help us through their praye…
more here:https://www.ccel.org/ccel/bede/history.html
for example, here is a story about the bishop germanus, who sought the intercessions of saint alban, the earliest well known saint, who was martyred around 300 AD.a girl was healed of blindness a…
we follow the gospel of saint john chapter 6, where our Lord Jesus Christ said 'My body is food indeed and My flesh is drink indeed'.it is both bread and body at the same time and the wine is blood at the same time.
we don't try to explain exactly w…
i used secondary sources (guidebook and the internet) but the primary sources were the catholic monks bede and gildas from around '700s and '500s ADlots of their writings are translated into (relatively) modern english and are available on line.
happy new year again!this time i did not post a day early ;)
i forgot to come back and post about the british saints - the first 2 i researched are below, reply to the message if you want to see more :)(as there seem to be only about 4 people a mont…
i have a lovely one from britain, all in beautiful modern english (no, i didn't contribute to it!) and it is 7,632 KB so i should be able to email it to you easily.please send a personal message with your email address and i'll send it on your way.i…
probably in the old days ppl didn't wash a lot and would come home covered in desert dust.so it made sense not to get black greasy marks on the books.i normally pray without washing, but if my hands are sticky from eating dinner then i wash my hands…
as we say in our church, that is an 'ask abouna' question!maybe you could arrange to meet a priest or (full) deacon in the coptic church you go to to ask his advice.i think the situation is not just a theological one, it needs wisdom and divine guid…
the original poster did not sign in for a while, i hope he found what he needed.welcome to the forum, and well done for having less reactionism!
today i frined of mine (who recently turned 50) was trying to understand a social media post copied by a…
hi sis / bro (sorry i don't know if it is male or female name).i am not sure i understand the question, but definitely our Lord Jesus Christ prays for us.orthodox Christians do not believe in a special conception of the virgin saint mary like the ca…
i am really sorry to hear of this, i suppose you know someone this has happened to.it is deinitely not allowed and i know of several couples who had big issues and abouna talked to both of them and it got sorted out.i even know someone who was hit b…