Today's Top Downloads
1. Watos Theotokia Lobsh (Sherat)
Saturday Vespers Praise - Cantor Ibrahim Ayad 2. Pekhrestos Aftonf
The Feast of the Resurrection & the Holy Fifties - Cantor Farag Abdelmessih 3. Ekesmarout - Truly Blessed
Glorification of Saint Mary - Higher Institute of Coptic Studies 4. Wassat El-bahrr (Instrumental)
Khotat Zaman Tani (Sinners of a Different Generation) - Ava Pavli Choir 5. Intermission
2017 Concert - Emmnauel Center - David Ensemble, NYNE Choir, C. Ibrahim Ayad 6. Commemoration of Saints
Midnight Praises - 3 - Ibrahim Ayad 7. Pray for perfect peace
English Altar Deacon Responses - Liturgy of Believers - Subdeacon Nader Boulos 8. The Litany of Gospel - أوشية الإنجيل
St. Basil Liturgy - Coptic - Fr. David Bebawy & Seraphim Chorus 9. Reconciliation Prayer - Through the intercession
St. Basil's Liturgy - Standardized Congregation Responses - English Hymns Committee 10. Amen, Amen Amen
Coptic Hymns - David Ensemble
What's New
Playtime: 36 days 14 hours 15 minutes Files: 4458 files