Today's Top Downloads
1. Watos Theotokia Lobsh (Sherat)
Saturday Vespers Praise - Cantor Ibrahim Ayad 2. Book of Solomon
Sermons By H.G. Bishop Moussa - H.G. Bishop Moussa 3. Verses Of Cymbals Watos
Great Lent - Saturday & Sunday - Matins & Vespers - Ibrahim Ayad 4. Sotees
Annual Congregation Responses - Cantor Ibrahim Ayad 5. Litany for the Gospel - أوشية الإنجيل
Deacon Altar Responses: Raising of Incense - Cantor Ibrahim Ayad 6. Tee-shori
Good Friday 1984 - Live Recording - Cathedral Chorus Led by Ibrahim Ayad 7. In the wisdom of God - انصتوا بحكمة الله
Deacon Altar Responses: Liturgy of the Believers - Cantor Ibrahim Ayad 8. Tai-Shori
Good Friday 1984 - Live Recording - Cathedral Chorus Led by Ibrahim Ayad 9. Confession
English Altar Deacon Responses - Liturgy of Believers - Subdeacon Nader Boulos 10. Watos into for verses of cymbals
Verses of Cymbals and Doxologies - Ibrahim Ayad
What's New
Playtime: 36 days 14 hours 15 minutes Files: 4458 files